Blennie Kisses

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Sep 9, 2003
I ended up getting a lawnmower blennie to help take care of some hair algae that appeared after I started dosing iron to help the macro I have in the sump (mentioned in another thread).

Anyway, the blennie appears to be doing some cleaning up, but will have a long way to go.

Schedule issues have prevented me from using the magnet to clean the inside of the tank for the past few days, and so an algae film is forming. This morning I noticed some distinct "lip prints" that can only be from one source:

so I thought I would share.
Ha Ha. I wish I could claim that I have trained the blennie to kiss the inside of the tank when I kiss the outside, but no such luck.
Ha Ha. I wish I could claim that I have trained the blennie to kiss the inside of the tank when I kiss the outside, but no such luck.

LOL...Well atleast you've got them kissing. My fish just poop!:oops:
Here's a close-up of parts that make those "kisses" ;)

Lawnmower..teeth! not my fish..

So thats how they scrape such uneven surfaces with such skill. They have about 200 little spring loaded algae scraper tools to conform to whatever surface they need to get algae off of. I bet they have some super cool mechanisim to rapidly and continously grow them as they scrape. Likely even some setup to extract calcium from the bits of rock they scrape to use in growing those little scraper teeth.

Super awsome! Thanks for the pic Elmo.