Blue tang not looking good

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2006

I have had a blue tang for a year and a half and over that time it pretty much has always had ick. I have read that these fish in particular are very prone to ick and so I wasn't overly worried as I have also heard that they seldom die from it.

For the last few months however the fish looks worse. The fins are kinda ragged looking like a flag starts to look like after its been in the wind for to many months. I know the best thing to do would be to remove him and treat him seperatly but that is a hard thing for me to do. Is there any foods or other perhaps "medicated" items that I could feed him and not harm the reef tank?

I'm afraid you have not only been seriously mis-informed but also not informed fully on the consequences of letting disease go untreated.

Regarding the mis-information, you should read this to get the facts straight: Marine Ich - Myths and Facts

Tangs do die from Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans) infections. The reason why they easily contract it is because, confined in a display tank, they can't get away from the infection. The tank becomes a breeding ground to allow the Marine Ich to feast on its hosts that can't swim away. It isn't because the fish are used to it or can handle it. Confinement has caused the problem for these fishes when it comes to many different diseases.

What someone hasn't explained to you is that a fish that constantly has to battle a disease is loosing its life. The fish is not thriving, it is surviving. Please read this: Thrive or Survive?. It is like a slow weakening until death wins out. :(

The fish must be removed and treated for what is now several problems, including Marine Ich. :)