BOD Meeting Minutes 6/11/09

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Jul 18, 2003
Items tabled for discussion on this forum are marked with "**" Thoughts that should have occurred to me during the meeting but didn't are marked with a "*" for further discussion or ridicule on this forum. :D ;)

PSAS BOD Meeting Minutes 6/11/09 online chat


Reed Moss - President

Alice Hart - VP

Colleen Frombaugh - Secretary

Brad - Membership Chair


Mark - Secretary

Steve Wolf - Event Coordinator

Minutes recorded by Alice with memory assist from other BOD members present.

Picnic - Saturday June 18th at Mike O'Brien's House

Need not be present to win on all items

Reed has organized the raffle grab bags from his place

Alice will organize the raffle stuff at Mike O'Brien's place on Friday

Alice will drop off most food & paper product stuff at Mike's on Friday

Colleen is bringing sliced tomatoes, onions and lettuce

*Alice has one roll of Raffle Tickets; Steve, do you still have some?

*Also, we need name tags and a couple of Sharpie pens; Steve, can you bring these?

*No worries on coolers; between Mike and I, we have enough

Tank Tour (North) July 23rd

4-5 participants with Dang's restaurant being the last stop(?)

Reed & Brad to organize

Tank Tour (South) August 20th

4-5 Participants with a gathering place after the last stop

Alice will organize

We discussed that the tours should start at 11 AM, we should spend about 30 minutes at each stop and that we should hand out preprinted maps at each location to the next stop. We can also make the address available on the evite so members can map their own and join the tour at any stop.

*One thing we did not discuss was carpooling; this should be encouraged as parking in some residential areas can be tight

September Frag Swap

Discussed the possibility of holding the swap at Eric's salsa factory with Paul Hamby and Eric as hosts. Alice will talk to Eric and Paul. *The event coordinator should be in charge of coordinating that BOD members or PSAS members bring any tables, tanks, lights, power supplies and clean up supplies that we decide we will need.

Some form of anti-pest dip to be provided by the club to members? **Tabled to PSAS BOD forum**

*Membership Chair heads up; this will be a big push for membership renewals - we've been vigilant in the past at checking cards at the door.

*Also, Alice thinks that any guests at this meeting should have to pay a small entry fee; BOD thoughts on this??

October Meeting

Brad is contacting John Warner as a speaker.

*John had to cancel at the last minute at the vendor event last year. We might be wise to develop a back-up DIY presentation(?) that we can float out in the event that any speaker cannot make his/her date. Bad weather in other parts of the country, illness, etc. may keep a speaker from meeting the date.

November Vendor Spotlight

It was decided that we would like this to be a half day event with 2-3 speakers, hopefully local without the cost of airfare or that no more than 1 speaker require airfare. (More on speaker costs later in these minutes.)

We discussed the fact that we will need a bigger room at the BCC. Was it settled who would be procuring the room? Colleen has had a good relationship with BCC in the past, Brad has a good working knowledge of the campus itself, and Steve is the Event Coordinator, so technically, this is one of his duties but he is very busy with work. Is it correct that we can only book three months out?? **Table this decision to discussion on the BOD forum on Reef Frontiers BB** Also, Colleen mentioned that we need to be upfront about the fact that we will have water at the meeting.

Last year the vendor "fee" was that they make a donation of an item worth at least $100 retail for us to raffle off. The proceeds of that raffle and memberships was $1,155 for that meeting; the only cost to us was the room. **Further discussion of fee was tabled to the PSAS BOD forum.**

We want to really encourage all vendors to bring merchandise of some sort; they do not have to hassle with livestock. The event last year had almost no drygoods, books, etc.

Mark was mentioned several times as having good relationships with the LFS in our area and it was proposed that he contact them for participation at the event. **Mark, please comment on the PSAS BOD forum** *FYI: Last year Alice ran in to some resistance to this event, LFS did not want to leave their stores on a busy day, concerned about making another donation, etc. Alice pitched very hard the idea that we had many new members and we wanted them to known that there was more out there than the local Petco and that we wanted to promote the local stores.

We would like to have national vendors this year. Reefer Madness, Euroreef and PFO were mentioned. Also a dive shop with good dive videos. **Discussion of other vendors was tabled to the PSAS BOD forum.**

Invite the Portland stores

More aggressive advertising was discussed for this event as was the need to begin contacting vendors very soon. Fliers, etc. **More discussion needed**


We are concerned with the cost of bringing in speakers. Mike O'Brien often hosted the speakers at his house, drove them around, bought them meals, etc. As Mike is no longer a member of the BOD, that cost will now be from the club's expense. We agreed we need to utilize as many local speakers (non-airfare) as we can. The point was brought up that some of them do have long drives and that a night at a hotel and a dinner might be offered. Possible speakers include members who are breeding clownfish, Terry B (fish disease), a professor from UW (wild coral reefs), Steve Weist from the Portland club (awesome tank), Ryan Gent (clams).

Discussed were some "ground rules" for what we will provide for speakers. In the past we have often provided 2 nights hotel stay although that has been deemed unnecessary in most cases. It was also noted that speakers usually arrange their own airfare and we reimburse them. We could possibly save by booking the flights ourselves but some speakers have been quirky about flight arrangements and/or book their own flights to accumulate FF miles. Also noted was that these speakers generally do what they do without a fee, so they are entitled to some leeway. Colleen is going to draft a letter that we would propose to speakers as to how we can handle expenses. *Thought: If we start being nitpicky about an extra hotel night, will they start wanting a speaker fee? That would cost more than a hotel, probably.) *Note: Alice is in communication with several of the larger clubs in the country right now; shall she ask them how they handle their speakers?

We want to push sponsorship of major speakers by LFS and possibly manufacturors, publishers, etc. **Further discussion of this and of speaker selection was tabled to the PSAS BOD forum.**

Meeting was adjourned by Reed Moss, PSAS President
Tabled items: I am going to cut and paste each item for each event that needs further discussion into its' own thread and then sticky it at the top of the forum so that we do not lose it. Please discuss those items only on those threads as I am going to lock this thread with the meeting minutes.
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