brain budding?

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Jul 19, 2005
new york
this is a brain coral that was attached to the florida rock i got from tbs 2 yrs ago. it has grown well and now has what looks like buds has one large and 1 small one. i wouls like to know if thats what i,m seeing. thanks
i dont think its budding its calling out for a feeding though u should put brine shrimp in those tenetical i will get bigger tissuer expansion and a quick growth rate, the part that is swolen is/has probley caught sum food feed it and the whole colony will expand to that size just my 2 cents
It's kinda hard to tell much from the pictures right now. Morgan could be right. Or, it could be developing a cyst or a tumor. Is the bump all soft tissue? Or it could be getting ready for polyp extrusion. Another possibility is that it could be getter ready to spawn.

Basically... it could be doing a lot of things. I wouldn't worry about it though. It looks pretty healthy to me. As for the bump/bubble, I think you'll just have to wait and see for now. ;)
the bump actually looks like a baby with soft tissue and tenicels. theres also another one forming. when i looked this morning it was gone. i think it may have floated away
Well, if it was a baby (i.e. polyp extrusion or polyp drop), it wouldn't float away.
Sara - polyp bailout would float away.

The picture looks like polyp bailout to me, which could be caused by a stressor of some sort. Usually it is light shock or a coral that is too close. This is a reproductive strategy.

bobt2 - is there another coral encroaching on this coral's space, or a new coral that was added close by? Did you make any changes recently with your lighting or change out your carbon (i.e. anything that may increase lighting intensity)?
You want to hear something really wierd? I had a sponge do something like this once. It grew all these bubbles all over it. Then, the bubbles started floating off with little pieces of sponge attached to them. And where these little bubbles/sponges settled on a hard surface, they grew into new sponges. Obviously I know sponges don't have polyps and so it's not the same thing. But I bet the biological/survival reason is similar.
well, i change carbon at least once a month and it,s grown so much its within a few inces of a small sun coral, but it sure doesn,t look stressed.
Other than the sun coral, what else (corals) is in the tank, and at what proximity?

Even though the coral itself may not look stressed, polyp bailout is a reproductive strategy to a stressor of some kind. Most of the time it is lighting (whether a new bulb or increased water from new carbon use) or a neighboring coral.

Hopefully Anthony will have more to add.
brain budding

i,ve been away a few days, but yes i change the carbon all at once. water is fine. 0 nitrates, cal 400, alk 8.0 ph 8.23 and po4 0 temp 77. whatever it was is gone now.
it looks like a polyp ball, a compleat polyp with a small amount of skeletal materials seperates from between polyps on the main colony i.e. polyp ball asexual reproduction is common in aquaria for members of the family Faviid
it looks like a polyp ball, a compleat polyp with a small amount of skeletal materials seperates from between polyps on the main colony i.e. polyp ball asexual reproduction is common in aquaria for members of the family Faviid
Faviid=brain coral
the bubble is stress induced (unquestionably... this reproductive strategy only occurs under duress) and may be from general allelopathic irritation... but is more likely from the closest neighbor or closest upstream noxious (cnidarian) neighbor IMO.

Consider ozone use with carbon to stave off future events liek this (and worse). Whittle the bioload down to one coral per ten gallons max too if not there already and let the remaining specimens grow (more) magnificently (or at least survive :p) in time.
hey i have a brain coral ive had it 4 about a year all the polyps are coming of what should i be feeding it.
Is there a purple algy that can eat coral? because it growes over my brain coral .