Bringing 2x2x2 (60 gallon) cube back from the dead after a recent event.

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Sep 14, 2010
Well after recent events and my wrasse becoming a major PITA we have decided to fire up the 60g again for a short time. We had....a bad experience between the Snowflake Eel and the BDSR. My mother in law thought it would be nice to order a BDSR for Christmas..:noidea:..I found out when I got home from work and there was a box sitting in front of my tank with writing on it saying "Merry Christmas"....a nice gesture for sure but not quite what I was intending on adding into the shark least not until we get the next tank built. Although he is very cool and gorgeous as all heck I just wasnt ready for something like this.

Anyway....during feeding time, my always....went nuts...well this time so did the eel...and when the BDSR swam by the eel grabbed his tail and starting twisting and turning...tying himself in knots and trying to pull "Blue" (BDSR's name....our oldest is a Blue's Clue's fan and liked the name) into the rocks. The BDSR sustained some minor injury's to his back fins. Well ever since then the wrasse has been nipping at the injury's causing more stress than needed on the BDSR.:boink:

So....we are going to fire up the 60 just for the wrasse....until the BDSR heals. I am in a bit of a rush to do this so I am seeking a bit of advice here. I took the skimmer, UV Sterilizer, and everything else from the 60 for the new tank. I am\was planning on spinning up some new water to fill the 60...then pull 30 or so gallons out of the 60 as well as the new tank and put the 30 from the new tank into the 60 and the 30 from the 60 into the new tank. That way there would be a 50\50 mix in the 60 of new and "used" water.

Do you think this will work?

There will be literally nothing in the 60 except the sand that was till there and still submerged in water and the wrasse. I only have the return pump (Quiet One 4000 approximately 1017GPH) in there as I sold the K3's. The sump and stuff is still hooked up as is the plumbing so firing it back up wont be too hard. I am going to take the LED fixture from my sump and use it as the display light for the time being.

I guess what I am concerned with is will the wrasse be ok if I do it like this? I was going to take some of the tank change water from the water change I was already planning on doing in the new tank and rinse my sand in the 60 with it a few times till the water is clear to get the debris out. I have a few concerns that I might stir up some trouble like this too though.

What can I do to keep the "new", being the 60g, healthy for the wrasse when I do all of this?

What can I do to help the BDSR heal faster?:crutch: He is eating but not as much as normal and he will not eat anything that was soaked in the Mazuri that I use for the shark.....neither will the eel for that matter.

Will using Garlic Extreme stimulate the BDSR's appetite like it did for my reef tank inhabitants? I am fairly desperate to make sure everything stays happy and healthy. I don't want to lose anything here. Not the wrasse nor BDSR.

Do you guys see any potential issues here? Is there something else I should do? I am going to be offering the BDSR food as much as possible during this time. Luckily I am starting my 7 off in 1 more I will have a lot of time to pay attention and assist should he need it. :pray2:

This is not quite what I had in mind for my 7 off....I was hoping to start on the "big tank" this week so I can get the shark into his actual final housing as soon as possible. Now I feel I have a lot to :juggle: Maybe I will still have time to do this. But I guess that postpones the sale of the 60 for another week or so:yield:


After a :rant: from my :ballchain: I really don't want to have this go any more difficult than it already is looking to be I sure could use a :gh: right about now. All of this has me feeling like :faint:
Well....I didn't get any responses here so I just followed the above described plan.

Seems it worked. Fish is happy...water seems good.

Sal 1.024 <- little low
PH 8.0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Amonia 0
Phosphate 0
Cal 500
Temp 80

I don't know if I am going to incure any future issues here....if you guys have any insight that would be great. This was yet another total rush job on my part. My tanks seem to have moved from the preemptive to the reactive nature for the time being.

Anyway here she is....a bit naked but it has what the wrasse likes....sand. Seems my pod stash survived the 2 weeks without water movement in the sump. I am using the sump light from my main display for lighting here so it isn't looking great. I rinsed my sand a few times....probably should have done more....and I am running a sock and carbon ATM.
Sorry I missed this!! For starters, what the heck is a BDSR?? :lol: Never heard that one before! LOL! On the wrasse tank, transferring old mature water doesn't seem to add too much benefit as there isn't all that much benficial bacteria in it. This is why you can do a 100% water change on a tank and not shock the system so it wasn't really necessary. :) If this is just a temporary tank for the wrasse then the sand may be sufficient or if you have a powerfilter lying around with a bio-wheel on it, then that would probably be a nice way to go. At this point, if it is only a temporary home, you wouldn't need to be too concerned with nitrates as fish can handle quite a bit of nitrates with no problem. The bio-wheel which operates in a highly oxygenated environment will make quick work of ammonia and nitrites once the bacteria colonizes the bio-wheel. Just a thought. :)
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Tell me about it. I just did that to save a few seconds of typing that paragraph.