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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
federal way wa
i have 120 gal with lots of live rock and corals. about 3 weeks ago i noticed that i had some bryopsis growing in a few spots, i read abound a little a decided that the tech m idea would be my best option for getting rid of it. so for about 2 weeks i have had a mg. level of 1700 and it does not seem to be helping. i set my skimmer to pull out a little more skim mate.
so my question is, does take longer than a couple weeks to start working, or is this just not working. i dont want to pull the infected rock out to scrub it off because most of it has palys and zoas on it.

any input is greatly appreciated.
thanks coby
IME,the only thing that will work to eradicate bryopsis is Kent Tech M..Mg level needs to be 1700 for at least 3 wks or until the algae show signs of dying (gray color). during this time, do not perform any water changes..if water changes are needed, then need to treat with Mg until 1700 level is reached.

you may need to do this 2-3 times before the algae is completed removed...bryopsis is invasive and will take patience and determination on your part to rid it from your system.
It took me 6 months to get the upper hand..i have been algae free for 3.5 yrs.
To update my situation:

Raised Mg from 1250 to 1700 or thereabouts over 5 days (100 ppm per day in 2 doses of 50 ppm morning and evening)

It has now been at 1700 for about 4 days. Bryopsis biomass is maybe 10-20% of what it was. Many patches appear gone. What is left is shriveled and whitish looking.

By the time I got the Mg to 1700 bryopsis pinnata (sp) was looking a bit slimy and not healthy green to yellow green color. (started as a very healthy plant, green with some blue highlights, very pretty actually). Stayed that way for a couple of days then it almost overnight died way back and started turning white.

Corals all look ok. Some nuclear greens I have have turned yellowish in the center disk instead of green and there is a bit of bleaching on an encrusting coral. Also, the encrusted section of a tricolor acro has bleached, but the branching part looks fine. One of my candycanes (maroon and green) isn't too happy and appears to be dying off, but it has never been very happy and hasn't divided at all in the last year and a half. My other candycane, a fluorescent green one, is doing just fine (has gone from 2 heads to 40+ in the last year and a half, so a very healthy specimin.)

I should test Mg again, as I might actually be a bit above 1700. 1725 or so. But haven't cuz that is where it is and seems to be working great with little damage to the rest of the tank.

I will probably let it rest for another 10 days or so, and do a big water change in about 10 days, and return to normal water change schedule as the mg can slowely come back down.

If it looks like it is dying from the Mg, yellow or grayish/whitish, it is ok. If the bryopsis is healthy and you pull it off, it will dump a bunch of spores into the water and it will go everywhere.

That's how I got into trouble. I had just a little and picked it, then it was everywhere....