bubbe tip withno swollen tips

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
The tips of my anemone never have the cool looking swollen bubble tips,I hear this is due to it need to be fed so I began giving it a piece of calm meat weekly .lighting is strong Aquamedic oceanlight (2)150 20k/(3)250 14k and(2)40010k PFOpendants .265gal
I have had many E. quadricolor that did not display the bubble tips. Also ones that alternated regularly between elongated tips and bubble tips and others that showed bubble tips all the time. I do not believe in your case it is a lighting issue. Silversides is a good food choice for this anemone. Hopefully it will develop the bubble tentacles in a few weeks.

I'll try the silversides,did you keep your's in a tank with corals or a dedicated enviroment?
Thanks for the input.Mine is housed with acropora corals and I was a little worried about if it was no longer happy and began moving around.
That's the biggest problem with them in a tank with other inverts. They can split and move around stinging corals they make contact with.

It seems happy at the moment hopefully it won't do the splitting trick anytime in the very near future,I've only had it for 3months it seems to be doing ok so far,most of the corals are frags and a few small colonies but i am fully stocked with everything i want in the tank,I think i will move everything from it's immeditate vicinity and keep my fingers crossed regarding the tip apperance,your input is greatly appreciated.