Building a tank?!

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
I'm seriously considering building my own 45g (24x24x18) cube tank. A reefer friend sent me a couple of links. One to buy the proper glass & one with directions.
My question is, is it as easy as the building instructions show? Has anyone here ever built or witnessed one being built?
Please share your experience with me. I really NEED to upgrade but am on such a tight budget. Talk about a money saving way to go bigger!

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I built my 50 gallon tank.
30" x 20" x 20" x 3/8".
Don't skimp on the thickness.
I could have even gone with 1/2"

It's not that hard, but even with a smaller tank, I wish I had asked for help.
A extra set of hands would have been useful.
Even if only for moral support.
Awesome responses!! Expected nothing less from you reefers!! :)
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it. Won't be for a few months yet though, tax return don't ya know ;)
@mfinn if you don't mind me asking, got a idea of what it cost you in materials?

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I really don't remember exactly.
It was Starfire glass, all the edges were beveled and polished perfectly. Hole drilled for overflow.
I think the glass was in the $250 range.
Then I had Jason from CFI ( a sponsor here) make me a corner overflow box.

If I had to do it again, I'm not sure I would do starfire.
Checkout the link to "My 50" in my signature line.
One of the places I looked at for glass was
The price wasn't bad, but the shipping made it too much, but you are a lot close to them,,,,,,,,,,
Building a tank looks much simpler than it really is.
Glass is much more forgiving than acrylic.
If you mess up a joint/seam, no big deal wipe it clean, and I mean clean. and do it over. Not so with acrylic.
Be sure to do your research. Have a plan before you start, and practice the plan.
It will go smoother if you have an extra set of hands.
Be sure to leave 1/16'' of silicone inbetween the panes of glass when you assemble the tank.
Once the tank is assembled and properly braced and clamped, be sure to let it set UNDISTURBED for min 3days.
The trickiest part will be laying down a consistent bead of silicone. You should buy an extra tube just for practice.

Good luck!!
Well I don't recommend waiting on me-lol. It's gonna be several months before I'm even close to beginning :) Still gotta find out who I'm gonna order the glass from. If I can't get it locally that is. But for sure it's going to be a 45 cube :) 24x24x18 or close.

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I'd look at glasscages for glass. They run about $12 per sq. ft. for low iron and $6 for standard in the 3/8" thickness.
See what they charge to ship it.

I'd also check with Mike at Oceans By Design ( sponsor here) and see what they could do for you.
Thanks mfinn! I'll definitely keep them in mind.
Now a question for ya :) Could you school me on the difference between "low iron" and not? Actually I need to know ALL about the type of glass I need to be looking for. Like thickness and type of edges?

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Starfire glass is considered low iron. It is clearer, but more expensive. Regular glass has a faint green tint to it. You can see it better when you look at the glass from the edge.
Starfire glass has more of a faint blue tint.
IMO the Starfire glass just seems cleaner, nicer. Has a little bling look to it when compared to regular glass.
The down side to it is that it will scratch way easier than regular glass as I found out.

Glasscages sells generic low iron glass as opposed to the Starfire brand.
My 240 is a Glasscages low iron glass tank.
Also, I would have the edges beveled and polished. If you don't have plastic trim around the edges of your tank, then you need to dress them up.
I would use 3/8" thick glass. You might be able to get away with 1/4", but I wouldn't.
How do they do that I assume wet stone to bevel and a flame to polish. Just curious guess I could google it lol.
How do they do that I assume wet stone to bevel and a flame to polish. Just curious guess I could google it lol.

I'm assuming the glass companies do a machine bevel and polish.
I wouldn't think you would use a flame polish on glass. Seems like that is the cheap way to polish acrylic.
Awesome info! Thank you mfinn! :) I'm really getting excited about this project. Another ole time reefer friend of mine is actually having this all drawn up and sent to me. I'm thinking corner overflow with center return. What do you think?

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On my 50, I did a corner overflow, bottom drilled, with a hard pvc over the top return.

We have some other reefers here that are very experienced at building tanks, so hopefully we can get some more opinions.