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Dec 25, 2005
Kresgeville Pa
Hey if anyone wants to put together an order from an online supplier like corals and things maybe we could get everyone involved and save on shipping by placing a larger order - Todd has had nothing of intrest to me for awhile now. I see other peoples tanks and wonder where in the heck they get the stuff from. It always looks so nice and colorful - Todds has been brownish lately - and not looking real good I am sad to say. maybe have to go sat am first thing cuz I usaully go sunday maybe just my bad. I saw a thread here that the washington peeps buy salt in bulk - everyone commits to so many buckets and they do a big order to save a few $$ per bucket. BTW what salt is everyone using - I had bought some Kent and things in the tank seemed to slow down then read Kent was having problems so went back to IO and everything seemed to perk back up - don't know if it was the salt or just happened that way in my system.
I'm actually planning two orders before the meeting. One for softies to pass back to you guys and an Ebay order for some macro/pod type stuff. Here's the site for the corals:


Not a big selection, but prices seem good, the stock changes often and the customer reviews are great. Like "ordered one and got two" type reviews. I'll be the guinea pig for ordering from these guys, but if you see something of interest and want to tack it onto my order, let me know.
Hey before ya buy the macro I got Cheato. does not go sexual is stable and pods love to live in it. Tried other algae types and did not have luck with them. Grape is like a vine and sticks to everything. Well the one grew like weeds till it ran out of nutrients then bango the dieing off began pulled it all. If you want some I will bring some and if there is nutrients for it - it will grow. Now if you are gonna grow the algae for someones food source then by all means and get pods of all varieties but have a safe haven for them to breed! I did till I got the sick fish. There are still some in there but not as many for sure. Maybe when everything gets back to where it should be then I will have the haven back!! what is the macro/pod link so I can look?? I kind of am full right now but when did ya plan to place the coral order?? maybe I will have an impulse. The red finger or one of the purples would entice me. Need some color. The live rock seems very enticing - although says uncured but gathered from their site - with all the bugs ect - why would be uncured then?? little confusing but seems it would be pretty fresh.
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My macro purchase is two fold. One type of fuge algae loaded with pods and snails and a few macro frags to grow in my carnivore tank. That tank needs some color and I can't really keep snails and hermits in there without them getting eaten. I have some chaeto in my fuge now, just looking to add some critters and diversity.

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