Buying Salt Part 2 - What Quantity?

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What Quantity Do You Buy Salt?

  • I buy only the amount I need at the time

    Votes: 11 13.6%
  • I buy a larger quantity for better price or less trips to the store

    Votes: 52 64.2%
  • I wish I could buy even larger quantities for an even lower price

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other (add below)

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Continuing our buying salt polls, let's find out how most people buy their salts. We learned in Buying Salt Part 1 - What is Most Important, that quality and/or consistency is most important to people when buying salts.....and brand came in second (the two go hand in hand really).

How much salt do you buy at one time? Do you buy enough for what you need at the time? Do you buy a larger quantity for better price or less trips to the store? Do you wish you could buy even larger quantities for lower prices?

I personally buy more than I need at the time. I not only do this for the price, but also so I always have salt on hand.
I buy what I would concider alot of salt at one time. Ususally I have at least 10 or so buckets at any given time. When I get down to 5 I go in search of a deal. Most LFS will bring in a large quantity, like 20 or 30 keep a few for themselves and sell me the rest at a good price.

i usually go to pet-smart & get a 160G bucket of IO, then buy another bucket when about half way through.
I do a 35 gallon water change weekly... so I purchase a 160Gallon bucket both for the cheaper price, as well as to ensure I always have what I will need onhand.

I would sooo like to be able to purchase even more (several buckets, like Don does) to get an even more reduced price... but my better half would string me up alive with taking up that much MORE room in "Her Garage". ;)
i do what Scooty dood does :) ... petsmat is the way to go if you want it cheap unless there's a sale at the lfs hehe .
but my better half would string me up alive with taking up that much MORE room in "Her Garage". ;)

That's right! It is the woman's boys get the workbench off to the side. Unless you build yourself your own remote space. But just remember if it has something that belongs to your wife in it, then its her space and you just share it :D.

BTW - I wish I could buy more buckets at a time, but there are so many kid toys in the garage (bikes, wagon, car, etc) I don't have space for the buckets. So much for being my belongs to the kid :).
BTW - I wish I could buy more buckets at a time, but there are so many kid toys in the garage (bikes, wagon, car, etc) I don't have space for the buckets. So much for being my belongs to the kid .

LOL!!! ya at the end it's the kids place, the kids' house and bedroom we're just staying in their place while we can :lol::D
I buy as much as I Can.

Just like scooter I usually go to pet-smart & get as many as they have 160G buckets of Coralife Scientific Grade Marine Salt, then buy another bucket when about half way through.
With my 2 tanks doing weekly smaller water changes I have had the best results No dosing, no reactors just old fashioned water changes!

I understand that you have to keep the peace when it comes to "her garage", as I have a wife with the same attitude. But I am still trying to figure this out when it is "our money" that is buying the salt. :D
I buy 3 buckets of reef crystals at a time right now. I drive 1.5 hrs for it to save $20 a bucket compared to the LFS. Even at the price of fuel it is cheaper. Would buy more at a time but always seem to find something else to spend the money on:lol:
I voted "Other".

I buy at max 2 buckets. I guess it's because that's somewhat all I need, but somewhat more.


I understand that you have to keep the peace when it comes to "her garage", as I have a wife with the same attitude. But I am still trying to figure this out when it is "our money" that is buying the salt. :D

I learned long ago... "Our Money" actually means I help earn it... so SHE can spend it. :evil: :eek: :D :cool:
huh? I wish petsmart would honer th eweb prices.

They do if you take a copy of the web price in that is from the same day that you are in there. If you get a clerk that says no, ask for the manager. I do it all the time on salt or any thing else I buy there.
Wow thanks for the information, I'll do it, they always have lower prices on-line, I pay around 55$ a bucket.