"C" Magazine - First Issue!

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Anthony! Outstanding magazine! My copy arrived safe and sound yesterday. I'm thrilled to have such a high quality magazine. I love the weight of the pages, the photos and articles (that I've read so far) make it worth every penny!

So far my favorite is your journaling on the Sri Lanka trip. Not only for the information you provided, but for making me laugh hysterically at Ms. OranguTAN, and Gray Sprout :lol:!!! I also don't feel so bad anymore about my driving abilities after reading the photo caption on driving in Sri Lanka. The page on their Vital Statistics I also found informative.

Loved the article on Sea Urchin Roe. I read the King's English version first, then for fun read the voluntarily intoxicated version :lol:.

Look forward to reading the rest of the articles. I'll be curling up and reading the Medicine and Nature article tonight.
It is a great magazine. I got my copy from Anthony at MACNA in Houston. Very clean, great paper quality, nice articles, terrific eye candy.

Oh, did you notice the nice Reef Frontiers page in there too? Sorry, had to throw that in :)
Aw man, I want my copy!

No fair getting yours first. :/

*stamps foot*


ROFL - guess there is a perk to living in the midwest. The mail gets here faster from Pennsylvania :D lolol

Chuck - the RF page looks awesome! I liked how all the ads were laid out in the magazine. I never felt like I was overwhelmed with ads, and I spent a little time looking at each one, compared to totally skipping over them like in other mags.
The article...The Land of Ceylon...how you describe the wild ride....quote The sum total of imagery gave me a hauting recollection of scences from the classic Coppola film Apocolypse Now...I have seen that movie quite a few times and can picture in my mind that feeling ..wow ...great discription...
I got my Poster today signed by the one and only:D . I am watching my mail box for his magazine.
ohhh, I hate this :cry: I want copy, but how???
@Anthony - is ther any chance to post some magazin pages preview? Is the page in sepia color actually cover?
wow... sneak away to NY for a few days and I miss all kinds of back-slapping!

heehe... thanks so much my friends. The input is very much appreicated. Chris and I really did make a concerted effort to produce something that could honroably be called a journal afterall... and not just a magazine. I have tried to limit advertising... and make the constrauct and image work worth keeping this periodical after the first read :)

I am VERY much interested in constructive criticism any way that you'd feel comfy to share it.

To all - posters got mailed by Priority mail as the $5 extra covered the tube and that service (poster was free) :D

The journals had to be sent by media rate like all mags for affordability (slower service by days indeed).

The exception being International Subscriptions:

Peca - you can get yours sent my airmail. The subscription cost is $65 USD to cover most of the extra postage.

Nikki... you are after my heart :D I like the travelogue stories best :D And they are TRUE. Ms Orangu-tan and Gray Sprout were quite real... just saw them months ago... what a hoot :D

Wait until you see next issues (Tonga) travelogue with bubble-gum man and the axe murderer (ahhh... yeah - real people too. Doh!)
Anthony, you want some critic? OK, there is one.:D I understand sepia as color of choise, but I am not satisfied with title. Vertical location for magazin cover... hmmm. Who did the design for magazin? Some profesional graphic designer? I am not satisfied with serif font, specially with 3D style. This is not a modern cover, by my professional thinking. You need to improve cover page ;)
Best wish with magazine

Thanks for the critique! Unknowingly, though, you have paid us a great complement; that old-style feel is exactly what Anthony and I were going for with the cover. We are trying to get away from the "pack" as it were and produce something visually different from what people are used to seeing. Modern is exactly what we were NOT looking for.

Please do continue to offer feedback everyone--

Christine (co-editor of "C")
Different does not means better. :p Actually, 3D font looks like child play. You can go for old-style with some different elements on front page (like sepia color ;) ).
excellent, Peca! Thank you for your candid critique! For better or worse, your summary is precisely what we we aiming for: antique, journal-like feel... elements of National Geographic old-style, adventure theme that conjures visions of what adventure was like when the New World was still new... much like the frontier of Reef keeping is still so very new to us all nowadays.

The content inside however is more euro-style layout... and very light (deliberate) on advertising. These elements seem to appeal universally to the readership.