calcium precipitation

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
danbury ct.
Please help the new guy on the block. 75 gal. w 10 gal wet,dry. I was lazy with my water test because my lps, clam, fish, monti,looked as good as any picture I've ever seen. Then out of the blue I did my checks. PH.8.2 ,ammonia 0, NO2-0, NO3 10ppm, dkh 7, but my calcium was 340. so that night I added the reccomended dose of 'kent marine,Liquid Reactor'.The next day calcium still the same. So I repeated as per directions. Next day still 340 .Then I noticed the snow storm in my tank. My open brain coral looked like a brain on drugs and my xenia was having a bad hair day. So after a lot of research I found that if my mag. is low , my calcium won't rise and will precipitate. My LFS> doesn't stock,nor test for I'm ordering a test kit. I can only guess that my mag. is low till I get test kit. HOW do I stop Cal. precipitation? Tank is 1 year old and I never added mag. Should I add Blindly or wait for test to be shipped ? Should I do water change? I'm not sure but I think this would only add more cal.
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Please help the new guy on the block. 75 gal. w 10 gal wet,dry. I was lazy with my water test because my lps, clam, fish, monti,looked as good as any picture I've ever seen. Then out of the blue I did my checks. PH.8.2 ,ammonia 0, NO2-0, NO3 10ppm, dkh 7, but my calcium was 340. so that night I added the reccomended dose of 'kent marine,Liquid Reactor'.The next day calcium still the same. So I repeated as per directions. Next day still 340 .Then I noticed the snow storm in my tank. My open brain coral looked like a brain on drugs and my xenia was having a bad hair day. So after a lot of research I found that if my mag. is low , my calcium won't rise and will precipitate. My LFS> doesn't stock,nor test for I'm ordering a test kit. I can only guess that my mag. is low till I get test kit. HOW do I stop Cal. precipitation? Tank is 1 year old and I never added mag. Should I add Blindly or wait for test to be shipped ? Should I do water change? I'm not sure but I think this would only add more cal.

With a tank that size a few water changes will get you right back on track quickly and safely until you can get a Mg test kit.


Secondly, wait for your test kit.

Additionally, in the future I highly recommend testing your water change water PRIOR to the waterchange and not testing afterwards. In years past, there have been cases of bad batches of salt causing problems immediately after a water change. They can handle a few days of low Calcium better than they can handle a Carbonate snowstorm.

EDIT: I hope the fact that Don and I are disagreeing isn't confusing. I have personally had a bad batch of salt before so I'm more cautious. That's the reason for the disagreement in the posts.
Normally I would agree (strongly) with a water change as always(!) the best solution ("dilution is the solution to pollution").

But.... if the precipitous reaction is not complete, any further addition of minerals (vis a vis more additives or a waterchange with more minerals in the new saltwater) can just fuel the continued reaction.

This is a case of "its going to get worse before it gets better"

No water change until you can test for and determine that the precip has stopped (get the same reading twice in 12 hours). At that point PLEASE do a large water change (they are always safe so long as you adjust temp, salinity and pH carefully). Two 50% water changes in one week should get you back to even keel.

Afterwards, do consider doing more frequent water changes and less supplementation for a more balanced syetem.

best of luck, my friend(s).

EDIT: I hope the fact that Don and I are disagreeing isn't confusing. I have personally had a bad batch of salt before so I'm more cautious. That's the reason for the disagreement in the posts.

He already has a ca and alk kit I assumed since those numbers were posted. I do agree with testing the freshly mixed sw but with or without a Mg test kit as long as ca and alk are in line water changes are the safest, quickest way to bring the levels closer to norm. I think after testing ca and alk its safe to assume the newly mixed water is fine.

Not really a disagreement, I just left out the test before you use it part.:)

I'm mad at you Don!!! Don't leave that out again. LOL :D

Additionally, like Anthony said, "It ain't over until the fa...." I mean until the precipitation event has stopped, don't do a waterchange unless you're rich and like wasting water and salt.
I'm mad at you Don!!! Don't leave that out again. LOL :D

Additionally, like Anthony said, "It ain't over until the fa...." I mean until the precipitation event has stopped, don't do a waterchange unless you're rich and like wasting water and salt.

The numbers are good 340 one day and 340 the next. The tanks not preciping ( is that a word?) the product (kent liquid reactor) is preciping. Its a all in one magic ca, alk and mg additive unless the tank values are real close to NSW this is normal with Kent liquid reactor.

I am rich and I love wasting salt .LOL ,not !!! any way I really appreciate everyone's input. I realise what works for one tank, may not work for mine.But I thank you guys for this and any other advice on this subject. Brian

I've never used this product. Maybe the label should state, "Get your tank to NSW levels before using this product". Obviously over time, there would need to be minor adjustments here and there.
I am rich and I love wasting salt .LOL ,not !!! any way I really appreciate everyone's input. I realise what works for one tank, may not work for mine.But I thank you guys for this and any other advice on this subject. Brian


I'm glad you're rich. I'll PM you the address of the Save the St. Louis Coral Reef Fund. :)
When I started this tank a year ago,I bought a $30.00 mag.test kit,but not only am I not rich,I'm also not a rocket scientist so I chucked it. Does any one know of a kit that is so easy,even a caveman can do it?
When I started this tank a year ago,I bought a $30.00 mag.test kit,but not only am I not rich,I'm also not a rocket scientist so I chucked it. Does any one know of a kit that is so easy,even a caveman can do it?

I'd probably just get a salifert kit. They are simple and accurate enough for the hobby.
