calcium problem

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Dec 5, 2006
rancho palos verdes
i cant seem to keep my calcium at 400-425. I never really realized how low my calcium levels wre until i started testing for it. I used to use "purple up" once a week and i thuoght everything was fine. But i tested my calcium yesterday and it was at 340ppm. so i put in the recommended dose of purple up. i tested today and my calcium was 360ppm. Still low. By the way i am using salifert test kits. Am i suppoed to apply calicum to my tank everyday? is that normal to apply clacium everyday or every other day? am i doing something wrong? what is a good way to boost my calcium and keep it stable? do corals and inverts use that much calcium a day. i just set up my tank about a month and a half ago and i have a finger laehter coral, open brian, green start polyps, and a feather duster. also have about 15 hermit crabs, 15 turbo/astra snails, a coral banded shrimp, 2 sea stars, 4 emperor crabs. any suggestions wuold really help...thanks

Hi Richie,

Patience! You are most likely doing just fine - just remember what comes fast disappears fast. I suggest you add a small amount of calcium every day and try to aim at getting your calcium up slowly to about 380-385, say over about a week or ten days. When you start to aquire several stony corals consider increasing to about 400, but not until then. Go slowly and have a lot of patience. Developing a marine aquarium is like aging good wine. It's the journey and the satisfaction of seeing things improve a little every day. Good luck.


375 gal marine system
also check your KH as well. some things you add can cause your KH to go up and making your calcium go down. PH,KH,calcium are all related. one is high the other 2 will fall. make shure everything is balanced properly!
First thing is to put the purple up on a shelf and leave it there. Get yourself some ca chloride and some baking soda.
Test your CA then go here input you tank specs for ca and alk. Mix up the full dose for CA to bring the tank up where it needs to be. You can dose this all at once in the sump, no need to go slow. If the alk is low mix up the full dose to bring the alk up. Add 1/4 in the morning 1/4 in the evening for two days. This will get you back on track. Chances are your water changes are causing this imbalance. What salt mix are you using. Again stop using purple up.

I second the magnesium, be sure to test for that also. Magnesium plays a big role in helping keep things in balance. And again's a new reef.
i had that same problem in the begining.

but as your tank age's the Ca and Mg #'s will be eazyer to maintain...

i use to just put a few drops in every day, some times 2 or 3 times a day..

small amounts test every few days. hover'd around 360 for a long time.... seemed no matter how much i would dump in it wouldnt rase....

after i got it to stay 420, i switched to Tm pro, and now it maintains it self. No doseing anymore.
i had that same problem in the begining.

but as your tank age's the Ca and Mg #'s will be eazyer to maintain...

i use to just put a few drops in every day, some times 2 or 3 times a day..

small amounts test every few days. hover'd around 360 for a long time.... seemed no matter how much i would dump in it wouldnt rase....

after i got it to stay 420, i switched to Tm pro, and now it maintains it self. No doseing anymore.

:lol: Really has nothing to do with a young tank, their actually easier. Its more about gaining knowlege. As a tank ages or matures its more difficuly to keep up with its demand, we just get smarter as time goes on. Well hopefully.:)
