Calcuim, phosphate and nitrate reactors

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Jan 22, 2009
Bradenton, Fl
I was wondering if these have to be run separate or if there is a way to run all of them together in a single reactor? Also how efficient are they, i have never used them but i see alot of people on here use them so im curious and there not too expensive, so what are the pros and cons to each?
These are run seperately. None are needed for a brand new tank generally.

A Calcium Reactor is used when the Corals Typically SPS and or Clam's Leach the alkalinity out of the water (and the calcium) and water change and kalkwasser is not enoughp.

Pro's Cheap to Refill and use Once all the Parts are Aquired Not just the reaction chamber. Some people Don't test enoughp and or have a difficult time getting it to match the amount the corals are using so it goes up or down and causes problems And if set improperly can lower the tank's PH allot.It's just something you need to look at often to to make sure it is running well and the effluent is not clogged etc.

Phosphate reactors are only necessary when The phosphate levels are too high and your skimmer is good and you blow the junk off the rocks weekly and siphon the junk out and or even siphon the sand at waterchange time and it still tests high.

Easy to operate. The media can clog up and become useless under abnormal conditions like if you were to try and add to much alkalinity to your tank at one time. other than filtering the begining effeluent USUALLY no harm comes from this---HOWEVER--- Some people have experienced coarls bleaching and dieing from using the white media type- Aluminum and otherts think that happens when you use it but don't change the water often enoughp.

Nitrate reactors are only needed if water changes and all other cleaning methods just won't lower your nitrates. And many will have the opinion they are completely unnecessary and a waste of money cause there are other ways to lower it. I use one cause I probably feed my acans too much. They can be a pain to get going correctly for some much like a calcium reactor.

It needs to be monitored by you for effluent rate consitency or it will give off a foul odor and not work well. They need to be taken apart and re assembled and cleaned 2-4 times a year.
Thanks for all the info, so im thinking there are easier way to dose calcium and alkalinity than using the calcium reactor. What do you guys use? i have been using oceanic two part liquid. Although i never know how much to add and i just got it down for my 30g and now im moving to a 75g, and i will have a lot more corals and some clams. Is there any method to go by, all the research i have done on this i still cant find out how much of each to add, and one typical problem i have is that the mag, or alk either rises or lowers, because im throwing that off.
you need to test to find out what your tank is useing between doses..
This will tell you how much you need to add