Calling club members - it's election time soon!

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I have no fish.
Oct 8, 2003
Lovely Lynnwood
We are rapidly approaching election time again. Think about whether you want to be involved with the clubs planning and direction. If so, take a look at the position descriptions below and decide which would be the best fit.

Before you nominate anyone, it is imperative you check with them first. This is very important and it is extremely vital to the club's well being to have board members who really want to be involved and it does require more time than one would think.

We are also desperate for a web designer. Anyone out there with a couple hours a month on their hands? Please PM me if you do.

To run through out current board:

Colleen - I'm having a great time and am happy to work with the club in any way, not too into the title thing, we all pitch in and get things done.

Ed - He's fabulous and has found our speakers for us this year and is working on next year already. I hope he chooses to stay right where he is.

Mark - He's very busy and you may not see him at many meetings but his input is in everything we do. He's full of great ideas and I hope he stays right where he is as well.

Randy - Randy has been doing tons of stuff. He has a great business mind, has well thought out plans and ideas. He is taking care of membership as well as treasurer position. He really needs to stay put.

Shauna - She's one busy gal and contributes when she has time and will be working on soliciting donations for the club raffle in June.

That's the group right now, but we need more help. Please feel free to nominate yourself for any position you would like, we are all flexible and there is definately room for more people and we would love to have some new board members this year. Enough for all the spots would be great :)

Here is a description of the positions:


The President is responsible for supervision of the club and its officers and is required to fulfill the following tasks. Preside at all meetings of the club and the Board meetings. Appoint any special committees necessary for carrying out the mission of the club. Organize the necessary Board Meetings during the off-season to plan and schedule the upcoming season of events. Perform other duties as his/her office may require. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.

Vice President

Perform all presidential duties in the President’s absence. Work with the Board to set the annual calendar of events. Organize topics or speakers for the monthly meetings. This duty will be performed in cooperation with the rest of the Board as well. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.

Membership Chairperson

Perform all presidential duties in the absence of the President and the Vice President. Maintain up to date membership records and keep an accurate written record of the payments made by each member of the club. Maintain a complete email and home (as needed) address list of all members of the club. The Membership Chairman is responsible for maintaining the club’s mailing distribution lists, distributing the meeting invitation and handling any other club correspondence. Handle any incoming requests or questions from prospective club members. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.


The Treasurer receives all money for the club and keeps accurate records thereof. Collect all money owed to the club and see to it that all financial obligations of the club are fulfilled. Maintain the club’s bank accounts. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.


Keep an accurate written record of the proceedings of all Board meetings. Minutes from Board meetings should be available to the membership at least seven days prior to the next regular club meeting. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.

Event Coordinator

The Events Coordinator is accountable for the logistics of all regular events, including location, A/V equipment needed, supplies, refreshments, etc. The Event Coordinator can call on any other board or club member to assist in the preparation or setup of meeting as needed.

Web Designer/Computer Support

The club needs someone to build and maintain a fully functioning web page. You will be responsible for updating and maintaining
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I'm also thinking about some committees. For example:

NEW MEMBER COMMITTEE: you know the old fashion welcome wagon. At every meeting, pair up new members for introductions etc. (some are joining at stores and we dont know who they are at all)

Other ideas?
Colleen I think you are a great club president and you should continue as such :) I would volunteer for any of the other positions if somebody wants out.
while it's true, i have been more busy, i still have enjoyed helping plan the direction and events of this club. and i hope to continue to do so in whatever function is nessesary. i too am not much into titles and could care less about what position i hold:) i almost think we are better off as sort of a council or socialist roundtable as opposed to a hierarchy based draconian republic :D
(it pretty much already is that way, im just being a dramatic, misguided revolutionary)
all of this glasnost is just part of my master plan,.....Perestroika!!! lol:eek:
Hello club members,

After much thought, I have decided I need to make some changes in my life. I will not be running for president this year. I have spoken to Randy, and he has the time and energy needed to devote to this position. THerefore, I'm nominating Randy for club president. Randy has done tons of behind the scenes work, that people don't realize need to be done. He has great ideas and he is very level headed. I wouldn't leave the club if I did not feel confident in his abilities, as the club is very much a treasure to me.

I will still be around, and will help out when I can and I will definately see the year through the end of the season, the June picnic.

I'm nominating Ed to remain as VP; and nominating Mark for mark to remain Secretary.

I'm nominating Ken for Events Coordinator.

I believe the club funds need to be left in the hands of the president, and I will not nominate a new Treasurer. Randy will have to make some decisions about that if he is elected. :)
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You will definatly be missed Colleen!! You brought great energy with you to each event, and have put in so much time and effort into the club! I wish you the best of luck with all your new life changes :)
Colleen - can't tell ya how much I appreciate what you've done for us. Your hard work and dedication certainly showed and you've been a great president to our club and will be missed (sniffle, sniffle).

That said, I second your nominations.
A Treasurer is a big job on its own and I wouldn't ever recommend it be placed in the hands of the President due to conflict of interest or inappropriate spending questions. A Secretary/Treasurer or Membership/Treasurer position is more appropriate.


And I want to Thank You for all you've done for the club and still hope to see you at future meetings
There are always two signers to oversee the finances. I'm fairly protective of the club funds as Randy is. I'd hate to see something happen..... I believe the president needs to watch that carefully.
~~Reminder everyone~~

It's about that time. Where's everyone at?

So here's the latest.... I'm so happy tank free, but I still like the club and what about the people. I like some of you. So I'm plannng to keep working some; like doing evites and organizing events. There's enough work to go around; we still need more help though so we dont get burnt out.
Fragman for President

I think you did a great job! I hope you get back into the hobby sooner than later! I have a different vote! I remember when Paul Hamby was president! He did a great job like yourself! Don't know if he is up for it. I will bug him! So i vote for Paul hamby!

Anyone Remember Paul! ie "Fragman"?? I think everyone knows Paul! lol

Ps Im also volunteering for the picnic! I will host if you like! Let me know!!
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As of right now it's Randy, Ed and Mark.

If everyone wants very fun events, everything running perfectly, then they will need some help.

Otherwise, they will get their fill and be done, then what?
Did anyone publish the results? Of course I wasn't there, I had another emergency.

I still want to help whenever I can and will always be available for an emergency. That's my specialty, emergencies. :):)
I posted results on Thread for May 19th meeting.
I can post them again here. :)
Results of election at Shark Reef were..
Randy M. For President
Ed H. For Vice President
Ken for Activitie Director

We still need help. Colleen I heard you say before you would help out when possible. It would be greatly appreciated as always. :)
Yes I'm going to fill in the blanks whereever they are. :) Or emergencies, I know how to deal with those. :)

I'm working on picnic stuff right now. :)