can anyone answer any of my questions?

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Mar 26, 2005
How many fish can you keep in a 4 x 2 x 2 tank?

how many fish can you keep in a four foot tank? 4 x 2 x 2

with a zebra eel
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the more important aspect to keep in mind as far as stocking densities is the mass of the fish, not so much just the length. One 10 inch lionfish will produce more waste than 10-1 inch damsels. Keep in mind the amount of beneficial bacteria, if it is a freshly set-up system, keep a close eye on the ammonia, in a high pH it becomes more toxic, so do water accordingly. There are some really great books out there aimed towards the beginning hobbiest. Happy Fishing
angelfish are a maybe if you have only SPS but it is risky. They will eat you good zoo's and Lps.
a good combo-
-1 of the small angelfish two or more may fight
-1 purple tang
-1 yellow tang
-2 clowns get them very small so they can pair up super small
-1 chevron tang
-copperband is really hard and make sure to have an established tank.( I would only buy one that someone is selling from a tank break down)
-zebra eel is really big. will probably eat most things. snowflake is the one to get, unless you buy a really expensive yellow.
-lionfish can get over 12 inches and will eat anything that can fit in its mouth but they wont harm coral.(disturbed reefer has two in his 120 cube.
-reagal angel or any other large angel if SPS only and they get big.
-most butterflies aren'y reef safe
-look into rabittfish as substitutes to butterflies.

Ok I would pick two of the tangs and smaller size because they can be aggressive and add them together. Find somewhere that has local tankbred clowns and buy two small. a flame or coral beuty angelfish, not two and not the bicolor. maybe a lion but look first and the dwarf ones. I would aim for 5-7 fish depending on size if you like fish.
Predator tank ehh, sounds like fun, for the reef I'd back off on that list mainly like brad posted, you will have them eating everything you pay so dearly for, at least take some time and read up on the fish you want, we have a good fish gallery to start off with some information, check it out!