Can I stock anything else?

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2008
I have a diamond goby, 2 false percs, peppermint shrimp, hermits, snail, emerald crab, small blue hippo (died but being replaced), and I am wanting to put a lawnmower blenny and/or a seahare. Would this be to much in a 29 gallon tall?
I just answered my own question by investigating some of the stickies that are at the top of the board.

1'' of fish per 5 gallons is a standard way of thinking when bio-load is taken into consideration.
Hippos grow fast & I would not recommend that type of fish in such a smaller tank, unless your planning on getting a larger tank later when it grows bigger. Bio-load & fish amount & filtration/husbandry is vital in determining what fish you should keep.
The tang needs a larger tank even as a juvenile. They need LOTS of swimming room. It has nothing to do with the fishes size. Tangs are VERY active swimmers. The smallest species of tangs MIGHT be fine in a 75. However, a Hippo needs even larger than that...even as a juvenile.

As for your stocking list, without the Tang, your 29 is completely stocked. Don't replace the Tang and don't add anything else. Even with the 1" per 5 gallon rule, which is pretty useless IMO, that allows 6" of fish...TOTAL. Your two clowns will take up about 4" of that. The Diamond Goby, another 2-4" you're already at 6-8".
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My last one died because it was eaten by a juvenile eel. My last tang was only little bigger than the size of a quarter to half dollar. I ordered it wanting the smallest available. Well then no tang. :( I am working on selling several different items which all of that money will go into a 150 square. I am hoping that by the end of spring it will be put together.
To answer your original question. "Yes." The tank is overstocked now and needs to be thinned. The Tang is inappropriate in that sized aquarium unless it is below .5 inch in length.

The two Anemonefishes is the limit for that aquarium.