Can I strip paint from 75 glass frame???

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2006
Some idiot painted it black and the black is constantly chipping off. It is the woodgrain plastic or whatever its made of underneath.

I have to move my aquarium and wondered if I could try and rectify the situation at the same time....
sand it down, and if it's plastic underneath, get some krylon spray paint, as it will stick pretty well.

Actually my concern was paint remover or sanding particles or anything else like repainting wouldn't be harmful to my tank when it's back up. Yes I know to have nothing in it when I actually do whatever.
You're sanding the tank? Or you're sanding the stand?

I'd just cover the tank and seal it with some plastic and masking tape.

if you're painting it outside away from the tank, it should be fine... i would let it cure really good for a couple of days so that you don't have to smell spraypaint in your home....spraypaint fumes seem to linger around for a couple days:)
I don't care about the paint smell. I would like to move it back in asap since my corals, fish, lr, etc. will be in trashcans with no filtering or skimming. I will of course put a couple power heads in.
if you did it very quickly ,you should be able to paint it... i would do 2 light coats...if you do one heavy coat, it will take forever to dry and might get on your flooring:)
I'm putting it on a stand and need to paint the tank trim from black to whatever...

Ahh...When I used All-glass tanks, I would have it built in a way where the whole molding sat down in the stand so you couldn't see it. The same went for the canopy. :)
ooooohhh...your painting the tank????? if that is what you are doing, it would help to cover the top of the tank thoroughly just in never know if the paint is toxic!!!! it may not be... i wouldn't risk it... i would cover it well
Well, I'm thinking of turning lazy cause I know what a mess it will be, it's even down in the lip of the rim all the way around.

I may just cover it with material (it is convenient to be a girl sometimes).

I'm kindof afraid of toxic something. I'm having enough trouble without killing everything that has survived in spite of me!
