Can Quarantine Tank be Plumbed into a Frag Tank?

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
bonney lake wa
So if I had a 100gal tank divided 1/2 way down the center. 50 gal. QT and 50gal Frag Tank.

Would it be OK to plumb them together with one sump?
most medicate in the QT, I suppose you could have another tank setup as the hospital, but if the fish have parasites and they are in the QT along with the other tanks, then ALL tanks would have to be fallow for 8 weeks
I have a chance to buy the tank I described for $100. This tank would be a separate system from the Main DT and sump.
I am trying to kill two birds with one stone.
I was not sure if the fish in the QT could somehow effect the corals if the fish was sick. I plan to have a 20gal hosp tank at the ready if meds were needed
I knew I smelled gears grinding earlier today... ANOTHER project... :decision:
I just caught wind of this deal about an hour or so ago.
So that smell must have been your breath blowing back into your face. LOL

I always have my gears turning on a new project. This next one is so mind boggling it is giving me a headache.
I find myself bouncing from one system to another. I think I need one of those small tape recorders to carry around. LMAO
The problem is, a QT tank is meant to keep fish or corals in a separate system, while being able to inspect/observe them, over a period of time, for any possible issues. If any issues arise, this QT tank is usually also where treatment takes place. If this tank is plumbed into the display, most possible treatments couldn't take place. You can't medicate fish, in a tank that's plumbed into the display. You can't drop the salinity, to perform hyposalinity, in a tank that's plumbed into the display. If fish, in QT show signs of Ich, if this QT tank is plumbed into the display, there's a high probability that any fish in the display would also become infected with Ich. If the QT tank was used to QT corals, any possible coral pests could get through the plumbing, infesting the display tank. Even separating the QT and display with a UV Sterilizer won't keep parasites, pests, etc. from crossing from one to another.
The problem is, a QT tank is meant to keep fish or corals in a separate system, while being able to inspect/observe them, over a period of time, for any possible issues. If any issues arise, this QT tank is usually also where treatment takes place. If this tank is plumbed into the display, most possible treatments couldn't take place. You can't medicate fish, in a tank that's plumbed into the display. You can't drop the salinity, to perform hyposalinity, in a tank that's plumbed into the display. If fish, in QT show signs of Ich, if this QT tank is plumbed into the display, there's a high probability that any fish in the display would also become infected with Ich. If the QT tank was used to QT corals, any possible coral pests could get through the plumbing, infesting the display tank. Even separating the QT and display with a UV Sterilizer won't keep parasites, pests, etc. from crossing from one to another.

Sid, Thanks for the reply

This Frag/QT tank will not be plumbed to the main DT system. It will have its own sump.
I would not be using the QT 1/2 of the tank as a hospital tank.
I guess I should ask can a sick fish make corals sick and visa versa?
I do not believe any fish illnesses, ailments, etc. can cross over to corals, or vice versa. However, if there are any fish in the frag tank, OR corals in the QT tank, possible illnesses, ailments, parasites, could cross tanks.

Yes I understand that. And that would happen cause both tanks would share the same sump, as Jeff just posted.
I am trying to filter two usable tanks with one sump. More water vol. better stability
What I meant to say is that his plan is to get a tank that is divied in two, use 1/2 as QT and the other half as a frag tank. These halves would share the same sump, so in reality, parasites, illness and ailments could cross over couldnt they?
$100 I'd get that deal, all over it! :D

A QT tank is used when introducing fish or coral into a new system. The rest of the time it won't be used, you treat corals ie red bugs etc differently than fish, ie Hypo. for Ick. In any situation like this wouldn't be good for the other. That said a QT doesn't need to be a huge tank, so maybe re-purposing it would be more efficient use of a tank that size.

This Frag/QT tank will not be plumbed to the main DT system. It will have its own sump. I would not be using the QT 1/2 of the tank as a hospital tank. I guess I should ask can a sick fish make corals sick and visa versa?

Well, if you are QT'ing some big tangs and feeding heavily you will loose control of nutrients on the coral side. If you fish introduce copper the inverts will be unhappy. Any problem can be solved with money (bigger slimmer, stronger lights). Sounds like a perfect propagation tank so you can raise corals for sale or experiment will breeding fish/shrimp/snails outside the display.

Some tanks are plumbed to reuse the water from a water change so that an otherwise healthy fish can be watched and acclimate prior to transfer. This only works if the display is clean. When you use the water from a fallow tank to fill the hospital tank you just reintroduce ick.
$100 I'd get that deal, all over it! :D

A QT tank is used when introducing fish or coral into a new system. The rest of the time it won't be used, you treat corals ie red bugs etc differently than fish, ie Hypo. for Ick. In any situation like this wouldn't be good for the other. That said a QT doesn't need to be a huge tank, so maybe re-purposing it would be more efficient use of a tank that size.


Thanks Scoot,
Yea that is a good point about not using the QT part of the tank on a regular basis.