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Barred Morey
Jul 15, 2007
Seattle, WA
I had this given to me last weekend. Not sure how this is going to do, not that healthy looking.

I am thinking its Agaricia, either tenuifolia or agaricites.

I have it sitting high(lots of light) up on the rocks right now, under semi-stong current, but I am considering a diffrent spot as it looks pretty down. Any advice
what is that reef putty lol jks never seen anything like that is it a stoney or a softy very strange indeed heres a bump for ya hopefully sumone eles will shed sum more light on the subject
what is that reef putty lol jks never seen anything like that is it a stoney or a softy very strange indeed heres a bump for ya hopefully sumone eles will shed sum more light on the subject
ha ha
looks like pancake mix to me,sorry had to throw one in there to, anyway best of luck
Can you get closer to the pancake to get a better shot, I am asuming its the feature and not the mushroom, It look like a little yellow sponge in the center. I do know that all three are just tagging along on a piece of dead coral.
You mean the coral the other coral is growing on is dead?? oh no! LOL

Here is some better shots.
I have no idea what the heck that this. Where do you get this stuff? Wasn't you that also posted the mystery coral and Anthony's forum
Yes James, I have much mystery coral, and I cannot reveal my secret source!! Allthough it would be nice to know what this stuff is, and I have yet another one that needs to be identified..*sigh*. At least with all the amphibians I could figure out using process of elimination. Not so much with corals...

Meh, it needed to come out for some fresh air anyhow.
i dont think thats coral i think its an algea and i dont have a comprehensive book on marine algeas but i dont think thats a coral mate if u have other mysterious stuff i would like to see
No, not an algea, it is a coral for sure.

Morgan, I will post a picture of this, and we can all start guessing at. I took it on a bit of a car ride today to see if the guys at the LFS could figure it out, I stumped those cocky you-knows-whats!

When the polyps(the purple thing is what I am showing you) come back out I will try again to get a shot of it. Basically this thing was once some type of "stag" coral, either one long branch or a set of them(most likely a bunch), that are now broken off and long gone, and only the base remains, running right next to the other coral no one can identify.
so the purple thing is the same as the other thing??
well if u reackon its a stony and has polyps then my best GUESS is
Pavona of Agariciidae family
or maybe Paraclavarina
i think sum one may disbute or correct me but atleast im thinking about it

No the deep purple item is not the same as either of the other 2, but it is attached to the same liverock as the first unkown coral I posted pictured below.

But If anyone else has educated guesses on the tan/grey coral this thread started out on, fire away
my suggestions was not for the purple thing is the coral the same as the dead rock
The tan coral will need to grow out some to even ID the Family. It could possible be from the Siderastreidae Family perhaps from the Psammocora Genus. Another guess is from the Family Agaricidae maybe of the Pachyseris Genus or Pavona Genus.
Care for all is similar low to moderate light and moderate flow. Most are fairly hardy for SPS corals.
