can you fire up t5 with icecap 660-009 ballast

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Yep, it will overdrive your 54w lamps to 85w a piece. You will need a fan to blow end to end. The bulb's won't last as long when you overdrive but the added brightness and par is worth it imo.
I'll know for sure soon cause I had brand new bulbs started burning on march 20th, And burn for about 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours at night, two individual reflectors on top of the tank at a 45 degree angel..
two fans in the hood at one end blowing to the other.
So the test is on.. LOL

But yes they are BRIGHT for just actantic..
I generally replace mine after 10mths. My sps do fine throughout the period. Its alot of light though at 600w of t5's.
I am running dual 250w MH and two 85w T-5.
Thats 670watts over a 125..Wow I guess I got a lot of light too..
I had three 250's over my tank before the t5's and the mh's didn't come close to the amt of light the t5's put off. I love them. Jnarrow has ALOT of light or did (over 4k watts)....we aren't even at 1k watts yet! lol