Candy cane placement/lighting

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Sep 9, 2007
Cary, NC
I've had a candy cane in the tank for about 6 months and have seen no real growth. By appearances, it looks okay, but the heads aren't as big as I've seen from pictures from other tanks. I'm wondering if my placement is wrong. Right now, I have the cane half-way up the tank (225W of T5 lighting). The water flow in the area is moderate to high, since the return is pointed in the corner opposite it's location.

I'm wondering if I should move it to a lower light/lower flow location. There is a spot available in the tank with low flow and indirect light at the bottom of the tank. Would that be a good spot to move him to? How much light does the a candy cane really need to thrive? Is it more sensitive to water flow or lighting?

I'd really like to see the branch propagate. But so far, I've had no luck.

Any tips or advice?

Thanks for any and all help.
my story is the same.....

i had t5's but now i have Mh's

pirtty much the same story... any ideas?
I run t-5 lighting and i had to move my candy cane to the bottom third of the tank. Doing excellent there.
They love high light IMO.

Ive had 3 colonies go from 10-15 heads to 60-80+ heads apiece in a year. Moving yours out of the light is not going to help your cause if you want it to grow IMO.

Moving it out of the way of direct flow from soemthing probably wont hurt though.....
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I have t-5s and i put mine in the middle of the tank.. since I've put them there Ive grown two more heads..
They love high light IMO.

Ive had 3 colonies go from 10-15 heads to 60-80+ heads apiece in a year. Moving yours out of the light is not going to help your cause if you want it to grow IMO.

Moving it out of the way of direct flow from soemthing probably wont hurt though.....

WOW! Thats som serious growth. Right on
The green guy is new, but here are two of the three colonies Im talking about. I use 250 w 10 k xm's so there isnt any such thing as low light anywhere besides the shade. Dont feed anything directly. My tank recently crashed and these things were one of the few survivors.......

Those are really nice!! I couldn't get mine to do anything so I took them to my fish guy and traded him for an anenome. They seem to like his tank much better!!!

Pretty Candy Cane and Powder BLUE!

Thanks. The PBT is a relatively new was a battle for a little bit with the Chevron....and kind of a ugly battle.........but everything seems to be in order now. The 7" + chevron is hiding in that pic too. Funny thing is he is hiding directly out in the open.:)
I've had similar success to fly guy as far as growth goes and i have mine placed at the bottom of the tank and they get partial shade. I do have mh and compacts over them and I spot feed them at least once a week with frozen brine which they can't seem to get enough of.
I've had mine for five months and they've doubled in that time. I have them in a low flow area in moderate to high lighting.