Can't edit my posts?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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My intent is not to gain money by people who want to edit posts by that action. My intent was to try to minimize the mis use of that edit button.

I have re-enabled the editing feature until I can think of a better way :)
My intent is not to gain money by people who want to edit posts by that action. My intent was to try to minimize the mis use of that edit button.

I have re-enabled the editing feature until I can think of a better way :)

Just so we know. What do you concider misuse of the edit button. Some of us may be giulty without knowing what misuse is.

Don...One thing I can possibly think of as missuse of the edit tab would be imagine Chuck editing post #5 now...What will happen to your post that followed that you quoted him??? It would be irrelevant and people would probably wonder where the heck you got that quote from. That's one thing that comes to mind that I've seen happen here before. Could be other things like he mentioned with people editing prices etc in the equpiment for sale forum that can cause problems, but what I mentioned was one thing that came to mind:)
That is a good example Krish ... easy to edit posts and lose track or continuity in the thread. Others would be:

1. Edit a post for equipment being sold, then after negotiations begin, the type and even brand of equipment changes due to an edited post.

2. Editing a post overwrites the "reason of edit" and editing posts just to be able to remove the reason for editing (done by RF Staff or Admins) because the person doesn't want to be known for violating any rules of the site.
I think a lot of people forget too that there is a "preview post" or "go advance" tab here (or some may not even know) that allows you to see the full effect of your post with pics etc before hitting reply, which will give you ample time to fix anything that needs fixing or make any changes deemed necessary before actually hitting reply. With using that feature first before hitting reply and looking over your post, you wouldn't need the edit feature as much, but I guess a lot of people are in too much of a hurry sometimes and just hit reply first, then read over it later which is why they rely so much on the edit tab. I do it sometimes myself:oops: :)