Cant find Red bubble tip anemone!

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Dec 4, 2011
Hi I just started my 32 cube saltwater tank. Ive discided to get an anemone. But the problem is that I always find red bubble tip anemone about 6-8 inches . I'm actually looking for a small rbta. Around 2-4 inches only and maybe if the price is little low would be nice. Anyone know where I can get one? Located in Seattle.
Welcome to rf first. Now then if the anemone is new it will hide a tad. And it will also shrink and secrete a brown stuff, thats it pooping
All the local store have really big one. I'm only looking for a small one. I was hoping to find someone how have splitter theirs or doesnt want it would sell it for me for a reasonable price or free
Please wait alittle for your tank to get a little older before yu get a anemone. Your water needs to be stable first give a good 12-24 months. Welcome to the reefing club.
I do have a baby that budded off (quarter sized), but I try to just sell them to put into established tanks... Selling it to go into a new tank sounds like a death sentence.

Sometimes brown stuff coming out of the mouth is pooping, sometimes it is a sick anemone ditching its symbiotic algae
You'll have a very difficult time finding one that small. Even if you do, be aware that it'll only stay that small for a very short time. Even in the 6"-8" range, it'll only stay that small for a very short time. In my opinion, you really need a larger tank, if you're hoping to house an RBTA as they'll typically get 12"+ quite quickly.
Welcome to RF! :welcome:. I agree on the mature tank as well unless this is a transfer from a system that has been up and running for some time. Anemones typically need well established tanks so I'd think a bit more about it first.

Hope you enjoy it here. :)

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Thanks your for all your feed back and info. My tank has been transferred to the 32g from a 20 g with 25 lb of live rock and sand. The 20g was up for 8 months n 32 was 4 months. How am I doing? Is it still too early?
I do have a baby that budded off (quarter sized), but I try to just sell them to put into established tanks... Selling it to go into a new tank sounds like a death sentence.Sometimes brown stuff coming out of the mouth is pooping, sometimes it is a sick anemone ditching its symbiotic algae
Do you think I can buy that anemone from you?
your tank really needs 12-18 months to be a stable environment for an anemone

just not true with rbta's....
these things are weeds, and really, if your aquarium is over 4 months old and your parameters are all in check,
your not going to have any issues with a rbta. and that comes from 5+ years of experience raising and colonizing rbtas in my mother in law's tank.
i had to set up a new system for her in fact because the nem's took over her whole tank.
i put rbta's in the new system that had appropriate parameters right away, and do you know what they did??
colonize more...
now, if your talking about larger carpets, lt's, or mag's then yes, very persnickety nems that require an aged system.
I would suggest that you save up your duckets and buy the highest quality rbta you can find...
something like a sunburst rbta, lemon drop rbta, or flame tip rbta,
because when they start colonizing you will more than make your money back.
im my mom in law's I think we got 28 nems in a year in her 75g starting from 1 rbta!!!
you just got to feed the crap out of them, and make sure you have enough light and a good skimmer/GAC.
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+1 on it's not going to stay small very long, I got one with some live rock that was the size of a quarter and all white, within a few weeks it was 2-3" I have had it about a year and it is approaching 12". They grow fast! Faster if you target feed them at all and I have never intentionally fed this one.

If you want a small anemone look at the mini maxi carpets.
Man that's crazy. Hey u don't think I can get one? Hint hint hint. Wouldnt mind a healthy rbta
those nem tanks of my mom in law's were broken down a couple years ago...
she innundated the portland area shops with rbtas. :)

found a pic of right when the madness began:


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