cant find this coral anywhere!! help

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Nov 25, 2012
spanaway washington
I was at the frag swap meet in kent this weekend and wanted to get a plate coral , I saw a couple but they where ether to high in price or sold/not for sale , there was one I liked a lot but it was not for sale , it had an orange ring around the edge and center , the iner part was just white/light light pink , if anyone knows help me out :) thanks lol:biggrin1:
What kind of plate are you looking for. It could have been a Fungia, or maybe Diaseris. Fungia are round with a central mouth and evenly spaced tenticlas. The Diaseris is more recently avablible and very cool. The shape can vary and is not nessisarily round and is extreamly easy to frag, just push down on it :) Either of these you should be able to find at a LFS for a good price (depending on color of course)

Or it could be one of many others called plate corals. The variety is truly amazing.
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