Can't keep Pom Pom Xenias!

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Aug 19, 2006
any reason why i can't seem to keep Pom Pom alive in my tank? i have a 180 gallon mature tank with all kinds of corals and fish... everything is healthy in the tank but this is my 2nd attempt on having the Pom Poms .. also had a problem wiht the yellow polyps... some consider these as weeds and expect them to grow all over.. not in my tank! i have regular keyna and xenia and they are doing very well.. thought i would ask! Thanks
A lot of people are able to grow one or the other species of Xenia, but not both. I don't really know why this is, but it's actually really common. If Elongata grows well, Pom Pom doesn't...and vice versa. I've even had the same problem in a couple of our tanks, though in our 75, both grew very well.
Everytime I give Dang a pom pom from my tank, it melts on his tanks. Both on his main house tank and restaurant tank. I believe its something to do with alk and calc level? and how clean the tank is.

My tank is really low maintenance set it forget it tank... which means very dirty. sometimes water change for 3 months. no skimmer... brown sps all over...

So maybe it needs a tank rich in no3? po4? or those stuff that are not present in show type tanks like yours????
I have somewhat the same problem. I can grow pom pom but no luck with the other xenias. And now that I have better filtration and skimming for my slow move to SPS, the pom poms I have are slowing way down in growth while zoos, kenyas, and other softies and mushrooms show no change in growth and anthelia has taken off growing and easy 2x faster.

Maybe you'r tank is just to clean to sustain xenia.:D
I think the light is the problem. Under my MH they will not grow, but when I had CFLs they grew like crazy.
Mine dont melt though they are just frozen in time. And they dont wave anymore.

Good riddance for me anyway. When they grow they grow too much.