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Nov 16, 2008
Yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in a long time. If you've been reading the member showcase you'll see that I had just been putting the finishing touches on my 30 gallon nanoreef. It was primarily a shallow water SPS with a few zoos and LPS thrown in for the fun of it. Well, yesterday while I was gone at school, my heater cracked, filled with water and blew the circuit breaker, and the tank sat that way for the next 7 hours til I got home (I was able to look at the light timer and see what time the power had shut off). The tank had dropped all the way to 62* and it was all over by the time I got home. I have lost every fish except for my yellownose goby and lost all crustaceans except for one cleaner shrimp and the pistol shrimp paired up with aforementioned goby.

However, the worst part is that it appears I am going to lose pretty much every SPS in the tank; most of them have already shed their tissue and are just white skeletons, the rest of them are bleached severely and the polyps are unresponsive leading me to believe they are not going to pull through.

I have to be honest, this has been kind of devastating. Just last week I had made the last, finishing touches; buying some frags from BrandyB (who is awesome) and a group of really cool stuff from Barrier Reef (Cy is also awesome). While it is definitely a big financial loss, it was also a major creative outlet for me, I spent countless hours aquascaping, moving things around, adjusting flow so that corals were happy, etc. The tank went well over budget, and I honestly have no way to really restore it to what it was for some time.

Here's a short list of the cool frags/colonies I've lost:

purple bonsai
paletta blue
chips acro
blue tenuis
green pocillipora
red/green pocillipora
oregon blue tort
bali slimer
microphthalma stag
green body/blue tip stag
purple rim monti cap
orange monti cap

And the stuff that REALLY hurts to see go (I had only had these a week!!):

ORA blue cali tort
ORA borealis
BRA blue-tip rose millepora
Sunset millepora

The only ones that so far have survived:

blue maxima clam
derasa clam
purple polyp monti cap
sunset monti
ORA red planet acro (hard to believe, but this coral appears to be one tough hombre)

Honestly, I'm probably going to just shut the tank down for now. I am not comfortable having a tank now without proper insurances such as a computer/controller that can text or call me if anything is out of whack, not to mention I am never buying another glass tube heater. That's another thing that really ticks me off, is that it was a rena cal excel, supposedly a top line glass heater. It was in the refugium in its plastic/rubber holder, so nothing hit it. Apparently just heat cycling on and off over enough time was enough to crack the glass. When I pulled it out of the tank the entire bottom inch of the heater was detached. I've done a huge water change and put in a massive bag of carbon, but the tank still smells like an electrical fire, not to mention that the entire room now smells like curing liverock.

I will have another reef, I have not given up on the hobby, but I do need a break and this has been a terribly depressing way for this tank to end.
so sorry to hear about your tragedy you probably lost everything due to the electrical shock not the temp drop. This is a good reason for a ground probe and GFI for the circuit. I feel for ya its a heck of a way for things to go wrong. What kind of heater was it?
I had a grounding probe on the tank, so I don't think that the shock got them or else they'd all be dead. Also, it really doesn't do a good job of explaining why the LPS made it through just the fine. I think it was that SPS are just that much more sensitive to temperature and that's why they died.
sorri to here about the lost. did you have the grounding probe hooked up to a gfci? you need to have the two in order for it to kick the gfci properly.
That is my worst nightmare, another friend of mine lost all his fish when his glass heater blew up and released all of the insides of the heater. My bet is your correct about the temp and circulation, the electricity would just flow to a ground exit, and the breaker probably blew fairly quickly. Trace voltage over time erodes things but I can't see a jolt of electricity doing anything to the inhabitants. The reason it kills us is we are the nearest path to ground, it's like the birds on transmission wires as long as they don't touch ground it's passive. Not to mention the heater is in the refugium and the power will flow to the nearest ground. It's a good idea to put ground probes in every tank that has a powered device in it.

My wonderful GFCI tripped one day when the lights kicked on due to large power draw not a ground fault, and I had a power outage for 9 hours, temp dropped to 68 and the fish looked bad due to lack of oxygen (130 gallons total 2 tanks and a sump). I didn't lose anything other than more hair, it took about 6 hours to come back to temp, the fish mostly recovered within 5 minutes of circulation. Then last weekend my daughters were cleaning and fired up the vacuum.. which killed the circuit, luckily they called and said "the vacuum quit working and your lights are off".

So in the next rev of my tank i'll have at least two dedicated separate circuits and a heater and a pump on each circuit controlled by my aquacontroller.
he said it smells like electrical fire near his tank, if the gcfi kicked in, then you wouldnt smell that.
My condolences, hang in there and set up a simple tank with your survivors and slowly after the cycle is done, buy some new friends. SHRIMP HAPPENS!
It happens to all of us.

I never let any glass heater in my tank besides an ebo jager and it always rests on the bottom upright preferably with the very top out of the water. It is locked to the back. The toxins released from the metals is also deadly to many critters.

One who has killed way too many fish and corals in the last three decades

"Education is expensive and if it aint been expensive, you aint been educated"
Where do you live? I can give you some frags to start over.

Great plan,

There are many of us here who would take pleasure in helping a fellow reef keeper who could uuse a hand.

If you are interested, I will PM a list of guys I know who have a lot of frags available free for the right circumstances like this
Ohh man I sorry to hear don't give up you have to stay with it and don't let it defeat you. This is one fear I have had that's why I will not have a glass heater in my tank. Hubby says I am the biggest wuss but I have this bad fear of electricity and one reason why I like the titanium heaters never had a problem and have them in all my tanks. I am sure alot of people on here would be willing to help you out with stocking your tank back up again me included. I have a BRA blue-tip rose millepora that is just a little bugger right now but when it's fragable I would give you some. I also have a Rose Acropora (it's pink to Rose colored) that I could frag a piece off but it's more a girly colored coral so I don't know lol.
I am so sorry for your loss. I had a tank slowly crash on me back in 2002, and it was devastating. I took a six year break and started up again back in September.

This is one fear I have had that's why I will not have a glass heater in my tank... one reason why I like the titanium heaters never had a problem...

I have two friends who have had the bottoms disconnect from the tops, drop off and electrocute, chill, or poison the tank. Be sure that the bottom is supported in lieu of free hanging by the top.
this is terrible, this really hits home with me. the exact thing happend to me a couple years ago and am just now getting the tank back up and running. i am very sorry for your losses, just try and learn something from it
Think about a battery back up generator too.

In this case that would have done absolutely nothing, However this is yet another reason and many others listed above that lighting, heating and circulation should be on seperate circuits. If I trip a GFI or breaker on my tank I do not stress out because the lighting is seperate from everything else and the circulation pump is on its own dedicated NON GFI circuit. the heaters and chiller are on another and then the skimmers and small CL pump on the last one. There has to be a lot to go wrong for me to loose everything at once and this all comes from experience with things tripping or failing.
dude, i'm sorry to hear that
I have room in my frag tank if you need. it has a 150 MH
i also have some orange planting SPS u can have...
I'm about a mile N of Kevin's shop...
Sorry I didn't give an update sooner, I got married on Friday. :) (yet another reason why this stunk so bad, I was having a great week and this put a decided damper on it). As for anyone who is willing to offer a free frag, I would be extremely grateful, and once the tank is back up and running, I'd do my best to return the favor. However, I would need to take a rain check for now, I'm now in the process of moving the tank over to my wife's apt as I move out of my current apt. Should be a ton of fun moving a reef tank . . .
Thanks! :) as for a honeymoon, next month we are going to Maui and the big island for 10 days. Its her first trip there. Snorkeling will be awesome!