Catching Watchman Goby

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
Pullman, Olympia
I need to get my tank fishless, so what is the best way to catch a watchman goby. He is paired with a shrimp so he has a plethora of tunnels. I could take apart the rocks but do not want to kill the shrimp in the process.
We had the same issue and it took at least couple of weeks with a fish trap to get the goby. We never did get the shrimp out without pulling out all the rock. By the time we were taking the shrimp out we didn't do it all that cautiously as we just wanted it out and we were tearing down the tank anyway. Surprisingly it was very crafty with places to hide and protect itself from harm when we moved rocks around and were pulling them out. If you need the goby out fast then in my experience I think pulling the rock is the only way. Good luck in your adventure. It can be very trying.
Usually you pull everything out of the tank and still cant find them until you put everything back and they where hiding in one of the rocks.
I had a convict I had to catch that live in and under a big rock, at the bottom of the stack. I did not feed him for 2 days. I have a peice of 3in acrylic tube about 2ft long that i use.

What i do is fast him for 2days, put the tube over an opening to his tunnel. (see where i'm going?) sprinkle a little food (something with stink works best), and when he comes for his meal, stand the tube up using the floor as a trap door. and if all worked you got him. Them slide a net under the tube and he's yours. Just keep the tube in the net.

If he is a large one (I once had a 8in sandsifter goby) you can always get a small fish hook and cut the barb off. make sure it it isn't too small, so he don't swallow it.

Good Luck.
I use the clear acrylic tube, cause it is clear, don't realize it's a trap. I use a clear glass cup to catch more free swimming fish, less stressful than net.