Chaeto Question

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
Spokane, WA
I got some Chaeto a while back and over time it has what I would call "disolved". I am not sure why this has happened but now all I have is a very small clump left. It was placed in my sump which had a normal output lighting fixture and bulb over it. Is this normal or did i do something wrong?
plants need three things in life.... light/food/water which one were you lacking? or what chemicals may have entered the tank? sudden changes in SG or temps can effect them.... something happened for them to 'disolve' trace it back to the cause
I have no problem keeping chaeto alive. I can leave it dry in a bucket and it survives. I have left it in a bucket of freshwater for a couple of days and it survives.

For it to dwindle down, either something is eating it, or you are missing something that it needs... which could be a very good sign.

Dave B
if i was a betting man, i would bet that your lights over your fuge are not strong enough. Chaeto needs more light than many of the other macro's. I struggled to keep it alive for a long time till i upgraded to a 75w flood/halogen bulb. Now it more than doubles in size every month.

I have had it grow fine with a single 40 watt Fl bulb over it. Not fast growth, but better than just surviving.
That is in a 2 year old system with a DSB though, so plenty of food there. :)

If I put any red Gracillaria in with my black elephant snails, it dissolves over time too! You might have something eating it, although nothing seems to eat mine.