Checking account status

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Oct 8, 2003
Lovely Lynnwood
I thought I'd give you all an update of the PSAS checking account now that I've received the first statement. I'm having a bit of difficulty with Wells Fargo and plan to change to Bank of America, Northgate Branch after the September election. Wells Fargo would not take Paul Merkling off without him being present and that's impossible. I do have ALL the checks and have cancelled his debit card so I don't feel there is any problem until then. I also requested copies of the past three months bank statements as Paul said he threw them away. However, Wells Fargo sent me some person's individual account for a couple of them. Anyway, we will wait until September is over with so we better know who should be on the account.

When I took over the account it had: $3757.94.

I paid Gordon 261.78 for the previous BBQ expenses and misc. other expenses. THere was approximately $115 in expenses for yesterday's BBQ. I paid Jonathon $250 yesterday for the skimmer and reactor. We brought in $300 in ticket sales and one new person signed up so I have $320 to deposit. That brings us to a balance of $3444.41 as of the end of August.

There is alot of beer/pop/water left which we will bring to the September function so no worries there. There is a bit of hamburgers (1/2 pack) and a large package of hot dogs I think and I planned to take them to my work and donate them to one of our homes with very needs clients.

I plan to get a spreadsheet going; but I need to pay my bills next... there's always later... :oops:
October and November 2004 Account Status

FYI: Account is moved to Bank of America; Reed and I are signers. The bank statements go to Reed.

Wells Fargo close out: 3074.72
Sept receipts 810.00
Oct receipts 280.00
Sept expenses 151.74 (Gordon for salt)
Oct expenses 276.90 (Colleen for Tyree ticket/ pop/ice)
November receipts 1695.00 (1155 raffle & 540 members less 30 pop/ice)

Total as of 11/25/04: 5431.08
Good news, three meeting down and we have gone up in the bank account, boy it would be nice to do that all the time.

I agree. Mike we need to get the room reserved for January. They book quickly. The choices are the first one which has all the electronics included that holds 105 or the room we were just in which holds 65 and I believe all the electronics are there too.

That's all the room choices they have.
I would say with speaker the slanted room with the equipment would be the best. I will post this in th dec meeting.

December 2004 Checking Activity

Here's the lowdown from the December meeting:

Balance ending November 30: 5431.08

Reef Frontiers donation: 1006.30

New members at dinner: 100.00

Extra dinners: 90.00

Refund for overcharge at BCC: 33.44

Two memberships via mail: 40.00


Dinner 500.00

New balance: 6200.82
Wow, I'm amazed at how much time has passed. Here is the current update:

Balance as of last posting on here: 6200.82

Current as of today 5/20/05: 3510.04

We have had many expenses for airfare for all speakers; a hotel room or two; of course the meeting room fees and various minor expenses. If anyone wants the details I will email them a spreadsheet (finished, just have to enter everything now). We haven't brought in much money, as mostly everyone has joined for the year. The raffle will be important because we are lower now than when I took over the books last year.

Thanks, Colleen
Ditto what I said in May... I'm amazed how fast time flies.

Finances as of 11/23/05:

Checking: 404.16
Savings: 5279.10

Total funds available: 5783.26

Quick peak at the past three months:

September 2005 to November 2005 income:

Membership 1435.00
Raffle 224.00 (From vendor night)
Total: 1659.00

September 2004 to November 2004 income:

Membership 1730.00
Raffle 1155.00 (from Vendor night)
Total: 2885.00

As you can see, for the same time period we are short approximately $1200.00. We also will be lacking the December IAP tank raffle donation.
Money status as of 01/21/06

I got the finances in order today and we also had a 380 refund from BCC. Including yesterdays meeting here is our balance:

Checking: 1550.94
Savings: 5006.00

Total is: 6556.94

We have a couple rooms to rent, three airfares to cover and a couple hotels. Plus with raffles coming up and such; I'm sure we will be doing fine.
FYI: I finally looked in the envelope from Feb meeting and we collected $570! That represents $240 in memberships/renewals and $330 in books! Great news on the books.