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emerald crab
Jul 3, 2010
Kirkland, Washington
Im interested in getting a clam or two for my tank but Im not sure which ones to get. I have a 30gal tank using a 30" compact fluorescent light. Which clams would I be able to get?? Maxima? Derasa? Crocea?? Any info is greatly appreciated.

people on the forum are going to say that not enough light and shouldnt even be conisdered. But if your going to do it anyways go with the deeper water clams Dersasa or Squamosa clams
Dersasa or Squamosa clams are the only two clams I would recommend with the current lighting you have...
I will be one of those people who suggests that your lighting isn't enough to support any clam. However, if you're insistent on getting one, a T. derasa would be the only choice. They are the lowest light demanding. However, they're also a sand dwelling clam, which would put it furthest away from your light. They're also the fastest growers and will quickly outgrow your tank. I had one that outgrew our 75, in about 18 months.
I agree with the previous replies. I would invest in the proper lighting first. You want them to thrive, not just survive.
the bigger the clam the hardy they are, but you still need more light in order the clam to survive.
Go with a Derasa if you are planning on keeping it under CF's. I have a 4"-5" derasa about 16" deep in my 55g tank being lighted by 216w of t5 power. A slower indirect flow and good water parameters are just as vital as proper lighting. I would recommend that you don't house it with anything that would harass or irritate the clam. Don't forget to feed them! Some good suspended food like marine snow does for me.
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