Cleaner Shrimp Babies!!

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Mar 14, 2005
Baltimore, Maryland
Just wondering how common it is to have 2 cleaner shrimp constantly breeding and Both of them releasing eggs every few months?? My pair of cleaner shrimp are always releasing eggs - resulting in me having probly about 1000 tiny shrimp babies all over in my 29 gal tank?? they must grow quite slowly also - they're maybe about a 1/4 long now, no feelers developed yet. They are rather neat.. I'd like to sell some as soon as they are big enough to see... lol
Congrats! and Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

I've heard of shrimp breeding quite frequently - the eggs will make nice food for your tank. How exciting you have babies that made it this far! You must have prime conditions for your shrimp, and they will make nice trades for the LFS. :) I had a lettuce nudibranch that let out a bunch of eggs sometime before she disappeared. One day I noticed these little slugs in my overflow about 1/8" in size....eventually they all disappeared, but 2 in the main display....which have happily grown to about 1".
oh yes - Tons have survived!! lol. They've been living for probably around 6 months or so. I want to get a mandarin goby eventually but i'm sure he will eat all of these little critters!! I was in my LFS the other day and the cleaner shrimp were 29.99 each!! Unbelievable when i have about a 1000 Tiny babies! It's really neat because some of the babies are big enough to where they can be stable in the current and they like to swim around my powerhead for whatever reason. They're so neat. I cant see adding anything to my tank just yet that will eat these $30 each critters.... lol Once they're big enough i would love to give these beneficial guys away.. I just wonder how long it will take for them to grow... :)
I have a pair of peps in my 180 that constantly have clutches of little ones. They have even made it to the fuge on my 20 and gotten pretty big, but haven't seen any make it all the way to maturity, but I do see larger and larger ones all the time. I'm not sure how long they take to mature, but I am guessing they are close to cleaners as far as growth rates. I am sure my mandarin knows where they all are, cause it's fat as can be.
I would think that after six months a cleaner shrimp would be a substantial size are you sure your not mistaking them for mysis. Can you see the color on them or are they more white/clear?
Welcome aboard OCreef. That neat that they have made it this far so far. I would do a little research on food types you may want to offer them as they continue to grow. I am sure thier diet will change as they age. Thier should be a bunch of literature on them and aquaculturing shrimp is a big biz


They're definately cleaner shrimp...

The shrimp are definately cleaners they have a red/pink tone to their bodies much like the underneath (belly) of the larger full size cleaner shrimp. When i feed my tank i crumble a small pinch of the flake food and often times we see these little guys catching ahold of a piece and they almost get blown all around in the current cause they have ahold of a rather large piece of flake food blowing around in the current. Very amusing.... LoL Well thanks for the input. They're just hanging in there - Hopefully they will start taking off in size and i can trade or sell some!! I know my 29 gallon won't hold that many shrimp!! hehe..
have you checked out the price of cleaner shrimp in your LFS. You could be in the money.
Price of Cleaners....

Rowa - I was in the LFS last wednesday and currently these shrimp are 29.99 Each... i am kind of excited, it's pretty neat. Thanks again for everyone's input!!

Wow Shrimp Are Expensive On The East Coast. Our Lfs They Runn 12,99 Each.only Blood/fireshrimp Are More Expensive. You Lfs Store Is Making A Killing Off Of Shrimp.
i just purchased one last saturday and it cost me 24.99 wouldnt mind adding another down the road if the price is right.
My LFS is ridiculous..LoL when i bought my pair about a year ago they were still high at 21.99 each. If these guys live and grow to a substantial size i would be offering them on here to whoever would like some. I'll definately keep everyone posted on their growth & survival. I'm not sure they would do well in someone's tank right now w/ other fish and predators. Otherwise i would offer them now...
My LFS (Premium Aquatics) has them now for $15.00 each or 2 for $25. The thing that really stinks about turning livestock into the LFS for credit is they will not credit you the amount they sell them for....but for a lesser amount.

Let us know how they do!!
I just bought a cleaner shrimp today. It was about 1 inch long and he cost me 24 dollars!! You have it good if you've got that many. Let me know how they do, id love to take a few off of your hands. Id love to get some from you while there still small, I have no predators in my 55 and would love to see if they flourish there.

bigbert -
If i could catch them i'd be more than happy to give some to you. ;) Keep in touch and maybe when it begins to get a little warmer i'll catch some and send them your way. Believe me, they are slow growers thus far... So they will still be small by the time it gets warmer in a month or so. Just maybe a little easier for me to catch. definately keep in touch, there's no reason these shrimp should be $20 each!!!