cleaner shrimp

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clown fish
Mar 11, 2007
SO i plan to have two clowns and a clearner shrimp in my 10 gal nano and I was wondering is there anything that i need to get for the cleaner shrimp to make it happy and healthy?
They seem to be one of the "easier" shrimps to keep, however the one I had, died. Maybe it was because at the time I was a "newbie" to the hobby and was pushing about 160 ppm (+) of nitrates in my tank:oops: Alot of people seem to keep them so I'm sure they will chime in soon:)
They need nothing special. Keep your NO3 low and CA levels correct. No special food etc needed. They will eat anything.
haha okay thanks for the replys everyone, ahhh i cant wait for my tank to cycle!!!! its been about 2 weeks and i cant wait any longer! lol but i have to
Mine is a pretty aggressive feeder. He will swim with the fish durring feeding time. I agree with above, no need to feed extra.
Agreed. Easy to keep, good eaters. Mine even actually "cleans" some of the fish like he is supposed to. He does dental work on my large goby about once a week. The only specific need is like any shrimp it needs good Iodine levels in order to molt.
Mine has done without me feeding the tank for a LONG time, like 3 months. She was getting along fine for a while with no help, but I noticed she started loosing a bit of color, and decided to feed her a bit to see if things improved. She has gotten her color back, and I only feed her (the tank) a clump of mysis once a week.
i hope you have live rock or something for the shrimp to hide while it is molting because he /she is will be food food the fish it is cleaning, as redrooster said it is important to have good iodine level. mine used to molt everytime i did water change, i had to give them away,because my red cap pseduo (nut case) was annoying them. they are lots of fun,stick your clean hand in and watch them how they clean.good luck. jakleen
I'm starting to hate my shrimp (little piece of my mind) :mad: ....he steals food from everyone, if i don't put one of those half bottles of soda... he just goes to my brain and eats all its food... the same with my anemone.
They're very cute but quite anoying if you got some coral to feed.
Humm.... maybe a drade? :doubt: Oh my goodness. I left that HORRIBLE spelling cause I want everyone to support Reef Frontiers for me so I can get spell check!:lol: hahahaha j/k.

Oh and the shrimp, mine went postal when I gon an BTA. My skunk shrimp is in love. Sheesh.:oops: :confused: :D :oops: what will you find out next?

AND mine molts at AMOST every water change. :cool:
I left that HORRIBLE spelling cause I want everyone to support Reef Frontiers for me so I can get spell check! hahahaha j/k.

Spell checker is free, darlin'.