Cleaning Coralline algae on glass

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Cleaning Pads

Towards the bottom of this page, look for Algae Scrubber Pads....

I use them on my acrylic tank and clean my tank is 1 minute.
I was just told recently by a friend to use dobie pads and they do an amazing job and dont scratch the acrylic.
I use a razor blade during a water change. Then I take the water and filter out the coralline via a fine mesh net. Trade the coralline in at our LFS for credit :) They in turn use it to seed new LR and give away to new customers :)
I use a razor blade during a water change. Then I take the water and filter out the coralline via a fine mesh net. Trade the coralline in at our LFS for credit :) They in turn use it to seed new LR and give away to new customers :)

I didnt know they would do that! Pretty cool.
Dont know that any of our LFS's do that or not.
I didnt know they would do that! Pretty cool.
Dont know that any of our LFS's do that or not.

I can't speak for all LFS but ours is pretty cool. I know of a few peps who culture coralline algae in several colors :) It's a much better option then using Purple Up!
Urchins are great for eating coralline but not only will they eat it off the tank walls, they'll also eat it off the LR. I *had* a Pencil Urchin, he's now been rehomed :)
One thing about urchins is they do eat it, but also cause it to spread to other areas of the tank so something to think about. I always kept mine under control by scraping it off of the walls before it got a chance to really grow thick. If you flip through the articles on the homepage, I did an article on coralline algae which might come in handy. :)

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i use a long spine urchin and razor scrapers be careful tho the cheap 1ns will scratch the tank.
Is your tank glass or acrylic?

If acrylic NO RAZOR BLADES! an old credit card will work great or a dobie pad works well too.

Glass razor blade away :)