Cleaning skimmer pumps?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
How often do you clean your skimmer pump?
I have a BH-1000. Been running non-stop for 2 months and I've yet to clean it. It's running great, I'm more or less curious :)

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Once every year or two. The air intake is the only thing that needs to be looked at closely on a regular basis.
I've noticed a little build up, but only after months and months.
I guess it couldn't hurt to pull it and clean it every few months.
Definately clean it if you notice a decline in performace.

I guess I'm more use to the skimmer I've had for almost 6 years. It does have startup issues, so I just leave mine alone.
If it's running and working, I just leave it alone.
If you take the skimmer pump out and submerge it into a bowl of vinegar and water, let it sit for an hour or so, and rinse the dead stuff off. Everything and anything calcified to it will come off. Coralline algae rubs right off.