Climat Research in England org hacked

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May 27, 2008
anyone else hear about this? The hackers released the data which had tons of emails and data on how this org and a bunch of others were being shall we say less than honest :lol: on the whole 'global warming' debate.

here's a great quote:

"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can't. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate."

I found a link to download the emails/data on Friday. Anyone interested?? :D:D
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Apparently the studies that used tree ring data to advance global warming came from 3 trees they cherry picked to prove their point. 3!!
Hopefully Climategate brings some truth to light and calms much of the global warming hysteria. Al Gore can't be too happy right now.

great article by Christopher Monckton on how he has asked for the British govt to look into prosecuting CRU.

This guy actully sued to get Al Gore's movie removed from British schools and basically won. The court agreed that the movie lied about several key issues and would have to be accompanied by opposing views if it was going to be shown in classrooms :
It is much slimier than many know.

Dear All,

They have also taken back their claims on sea levels rising until all data is reviewed..

Doesn't anyone recognize propaganda any more?

Al Gore is invested in this green technology up to his gills. Ever wonder why he is "pushing it" so hard?? Cuz he plans on becoming oodles richer, and set up his kids and grandkids for life with a huge fortune to play with.

And his movie, has very questionable science behind it.

I have been more accurate than the Hurricane Center for predicting hurricanes the last few years...and am on record for it too,,lol.

The sun has been in extended minimum, trying to set records for a minimum in sun spots and lack of action... hence less storms for us and less severe sea storms for example.

It is a global business scam, and also a social experiment... creation of a new industry, and rules and laws to regulate the unwashed masses more, and remove more freedoms, and add more taxes, etc. It is all about control in some sense or another.

Do some real deep research into this news story and you will find many a glitch, and an obvious international agenda behind it.. and all of the ELITE are the ones pushing it. Despite evidence and data that proves they are full of bull manure. Sigh...

It ties into population control, depopulation promotion, you name it.. it isn't pretty.

yeah, that having to take back the sea level fib must have been a bitter pill to swallow. I hear Al Gore is down in Rio to measure the lack of snow fall :lol:
Did you know the British courts ruled he lied like 5 X in his movie and that it had to be made known to students if the schools there wanted to show the movie?
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