ClorAm-X + Ammonium/a + UV

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Aug 7, 2003
Boom I've been yacking it up with John. He doesn't see a problem using ClorAm+X for ammonia, then running it through the UV.

Do you?
No, that sholuld not be an issue. ClorAm-X is the exactly the same thing as Amquel. John (the inventor) has it aloud it to be sold under two names.

Where is the ammonia coming from ? The canel water ? Or is this NH3/NH4+ generated in the tank/s not cycled yet and is then running back to the UV ?
Some could be coming from both. The 1 micron is not getting everything, and the system is designed to run with water changes. There's no biological filtration, other than plumbing, etc.
Right now, we can't do the massive water changes that it needs because of the meds. I'm looking at John's ClorAm-X to handle ammonia through the med protocol. Just like it's used to culture.
I'm gun shy after the last UV 'issue'.