Closed Loop 101

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Dec 6, 2008
So I want to have a closed loop system on my tank. How do I start planning for this? Its a 75gal by the way with nothing in it. Do I just say I want 4 holes on the bottom of my tank, measure and start drilling? How do I decide how many I need, where they go, and how big?

I guess I'm just looking for a couple good links to show how to plan a CL. I want to understand the reasoning for this inlet at this point kind of thing. Thanks.
It's glass, and it already has an overflow in it so I am assuming it can be drilled. slim jim thanks for the links. There is plenty of info there. I am still going through it but It seems it is just pictures of closed loops. I was hoping for some reasons why they choose the amount of outlets and placement of them.
I have a 75 gal which I drilled myself. You don't want to drill the bottoms as most are tempered. That included the AGA RR ones. I drilled the back with 5 holes, 2 returns and 3 outlets. I currently run a little giant 4 and little giant 3 for the closed loop pumps but if I did it again I would do a Dart with an oceans motion valve.
ok the reason why people choose there number of outlets is just for what type of flow there wanting. All the closed loop is for is just to move your water around. What type of coral are you going to be putting in there because the different types require different types of flow. Closed loops are so you dont have to have power heads in your tank for a cleaner look but its all personel preference really. but i did have a closed loop on my tank and when i set up the new one it will have a closed loop on it but im not drilling just going over the top
Right I got that slim jim. I guess I'm asking for the science of CL flow. If I have four outlets one at each corner of the tank, what would the benefit be against four outlets all at the back of the tank.

Those are just examples but I hope you get my meaning.

Does it really matter? Whats the benefit of four outlets verses 10? Besides the fact that 10 outlets have more points of failure to cause a leak.

Do I go with less outlets and a stronger pump? How would fish and coral react to that compared to more outlets and more "random' flow?

Or am I just over thinking this way to much?

By the way my goal for this tank is not alot of hard to keep coral. Just want the option if in a couple of years I want to :)
Ok i see where your going, well with more outlets u would need a bigger pump because thats alot of plumbing to be going thru. Its really depends on what you want to do with your tank? I would always opt to have a tank that you may not want something hard to keep at first but later on u will. The more fdifferent flow is always good for keeping your deterious in suspense and quickly removed from ur overflow and all. Basically with anything you do you want to reproduce the oceans motion lol. try and make everything just like what the corals fish and inverterbres. hope this helps if not then keep on asking
The more outlets you have the less GPH per outlet!
Are you looking for strong flow or just movement of water?
I'm going with two in and four out on a DART witch is 3600 GPH.
I'm only gonna have less that 900 GPH on each outlet.
You can put all on the back wall, your choice.
Many have done it that way. It depends a lot on "aqua-scapeing"
Your rocks right in front of an outlet will, of course deminish most of the flow.
Look around at a few different designs and find what suits you best.
Try checking out Wet Web Media, they pretty meticulous sp? with their information. Also have a q&a section to ask the administrators.
The reason for the placements of the outlets is to get the water moving. Also to keep all the deterious in suspense in the water. If you dont have water movement then u will be cleaning your sand alot. also you will have alot of chemical spikes. but this is probably more then what ur looking for lol. But the outlets really depends on your setup and how you have your aquascape done.