Closed loop pump options

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Lost in the salty water
Aug 21, 2005
Recently picked up a 120. I have the idea of plumbing in a closed loop system before I fill the atnk but would like a little more insite on flow reccomendations. I want to have open ended options within reason. I would also like thought on differnt pump brands, likes and dislikes would be good.

Thanks Jason
Has anyone experienced a dolphin pump leaking over time due to a seal wearing out from the abrasion level of the salt water? This comment has been heard from a reputable resource but have never seen this comment elsewhere. Any input.... Looking for a good place to buy a pump, price and service very important.

Thanks Jason
I have an AM3K that I use for my sea swirl closed loop and I haven't had any problems with seals leaking, yet. This has been a problem before, but I think they have it worked out. This is just what I have heard.
I think Charlie is right. I have an AM3K and it does get salt creap, but it's been doing this for some time. People who are getting the newer ones don't seem to have this prblem. What I do like about the dolphin ampmasters is that they are energy efficient and very quite. Plus they move a lot of water.

Sequence makes very nice pumps too and I wouldn't hesistate in getting one of those.

Another choice is the new vortech pumps that are coming out. Very low power consumption, motor outside of tank, high flow in a wide spread area, and they can be moved whenever you want. Plus no holes in the tank. Additionally, they are supposed to cost about what a good pump costs and you don't have to plumb it. Just another thought.
The tank is already plumbed for closed loop. So just trying to decide which brand to go with. I think I will want about 3000 gph at about 3.5' of head.

Jason I had and ampmaster 3000 and replaced the seal twice and then they finally sent me a whole new front end after that leaked I switched over to a sequence. The sequence has a pretty good buzz, but doesn't add any heat to the tank. As long as the seals stay good on the ampmaster it is a great pump too. I would recomend both.


Would it be a bad idea to put a tee in my return line from my pump to my tank to allow myself the ability to run a Uv sterilizer off of the same pump?????:idea: Not sure of the pros or cons of this idea.

Just wanted to toss in my closed loop pump on a 120 gallon...amp 3000. No issues as of yet.

I have my UV plumbed in with the return line. Just make sure you have the flow correct through the UV to work efficiently.
I've never even noticed sound of any kind coming from my Dolphin pump. Not that I'm arguing against the sequence, just adding that my dolphin is whisper quiet....we don't ever hear the thing, and it is in our family room.
What do you folks think of the 750 or 1000 series sequence pumps? Any experience's? Jason
When you say the tank is "plumbed" for a closed loop already, what size and number of inlets/outlets is it set up for? That could alter the size of pump necessary for your application.
It has (2) 1.5" drains to go to the pump. And (4) 3/4" returns from the pump.

All is plumbed with 1.5" pvc to below the tank. The manifold at the 3/4" returns is all out of 1" down about 1' below the 90 degree bend feeding the manifold.

Dieselbreath said:
It has (2) 1.5" drains to go to the pump. And (4) 3/4" returns from the pump.

All is plumbed with 1.5" pvc to below the tank. The manifold at the 3/4" returns is all out of 1" down about 1' below the 90 degree bend feeding the manifold.


You should probably go with a pump that has a 1.5" intake then. Did you see this thread?
Would it be a disadvantage to cut that flow back a bit, thinking that may be a bit much. And or say put that pump on a timer and only run it 6 or 8 hours a day. Looking for input, thanks for all the help guys and gals.

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