Clown Eggs Deaths

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Feb 20, 2006

about a month ago I was asking for ideas as to why my A. Occelaris had stopped breeding, even though they were going through the motions twice a day.

Well they have since laid 2 lots of eggs, the 2nd lot with 2 new fish in the tank.

I have gone through the exact same process of removing the pot the eggs are laid in, carefully not taking them out of the water, & moving them to a fry tank that is filled with water from the main tank, heated to the same temp.

The fry tank is bare except for the pot, heater & an air stone.

This process had worked every time that they had laid eggs earlier in the year, & I always got all eggs to hatch.

I need help now, as both lots of recent eggs have overnight (though not all of them this time) turned from black to a cream colour, obviously dead.

The 1st time I suspected they may have come out of the water a bit, but I made sure that didnt happen this time. I really have no idea why the eggs are dieing.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to what is going wrong, or any suggestions on how to keep the pot in the adult tank but ensure the hatching fry dont escape to the rest of the tank ?

Please help, this is getting frustrating. Thanks in advance,

Hi Stan.

You need to sanitize ALL equipment. The biggest one is the breeding tank you are putting the eggs in. Bleach the tank, rinse, and rinse out. You might also want to try adding some Methylene Blue solution to the breeding tank water...just prior to moving the eggs (i.e. DON'T put in main tank).

Timing is a big thing, as well.

Keep trying mate.

I agree. Methelene blue was the turning point for me. Before I started using methelene blue, my eggs would fungus over almost every time.
Hi Ilham & Rod,

thanks for that, the fry tank is cleaned every time but you are the 1st to tell me how to sterilise a tank safely, something I have been asking for some time.

Next lot (which I dont think will be long after I return the pot as the adults are already 'courting') I will give the Meth Blue a shot. Should I use the recommended dose or reduce it a bit for the eggs ?

Thanks again, I'll keep you informed,

I dont measure the dosage. I dont even know what the recommendations are. I just squirt until the water turns blue. I have a batch that will be ready to hatch this weekend (after a 3 month hiatus). I will try to remember to note how many squirts I use, and then post here.