Hi Guys,
I just bought a clown fish and 2 cromies for my tank today. The cromies seem to be fine but the clown fish hasn't really left the back corner and seems to just stay their!!! Is that normal behavior for a clown fish? I have an Aquamarine 900 (176L) with 2 Koralia 3 power heads. I turned one of them off thinking maybe the flow is too much for it but it hasn't made any difference what so ever. Could anyone give any advice please.
I just bought a clown fish and 2 cromies for my tank today. The cromies seem to be fine but the clown fish hasn't really left the back corner and seems to just stay their!!! Is that normal behavior for a clown fish? I have an Aquamarine 900 (176L) with 2 Koralia 3 power heads. I turned one of them off thinking maybe the flow is too much for it but it hasn't made any difference what so ever. Could anyone give any advice please.