Clown Fish

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Aug 4, 2011
Hi Guys,

I just bought a clown fish and 2 cromies for my tank today. The cromies seem to be fine but the clown fish hasn't really left the back corner and seems to just stay their!!! Is that normal behavior for a clown fish? I have an Aquamarine 900 (176L) with 2 Koralia 3 power heads. I turned one of them off thinking maybe the flow is too much for it but it hasn't made any difference what so ever. Could anyone give any advice please.


That "could" be normal. It is normal for Clown fish to not swim around much, and to spend most of their time in a very small area, usually using "something" as a host. A lot of times, if they don't have an anemone or a LPS or soft coral, to "live in," they'll chose a piece of hardware, such as a power head, an intake tube or even a magnetic algae cleaner.

Does it's breathing appear normal and not labored? If it's hanging out at the surface, and appears to be breathing "heavy," or "fast," that can be a sure sign of ammonia toxicity. If it's breathing normal, then it's probably just fine.

Thanks for the quick response. Apart from it sticking in one area it appears completely fine. I fed it a few hours ago and it was pretty quick to eat. It's breathing is completely fine to. Can I have both my power heads on or is that too much for the fish?


Well, that'll depend on the power of your power heads. However, it should be just fine, as long as they're positioned appropriately. It'd be difficult, no matter how many power heads any of us have, to have too much flow for any fish. Think about the "flow" of their natural environment.