Clown Help yet Again

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Feb 20, 2006
Hi All, Ilham in particular.

Ive had this problem ever since my A. Occelaris started breeding again (after about a 5 month rest for an unknown reason), thats about 4 spawns. When they 1st started breeding I had no trouble with the eggs hatching, just no luck raising the fry.

From these initial efforts I adopted a system where I remove the eggs covered pot about the 2nd day that I can see the silver eyes. I am very careful not to let the eggs come out of the water nor to disturb them much.

The water in the hatching tank (about 15 litres) is removed from the adults tank just prior to me moving the pot, so it is exactly the same water & temp. Water changes are usually about 2-3 litres with new, aged water.

Since they started again I have had a problem where within about an hour or 2 the eggs turn a cream colour, though some around the edges stay normal & a couple have hatched. The eyes are still clearly visible.

From previous advice about this from this forum, I have sterilised the tank with bleach (yes, rinsed it very well) & used Meth Blue, 1st time at recommended dose, 2nd only about 6-8 drops. Neither worked any better.

This time I left the eggs in with the adults. Last night 2 (that I found) hatched & were recovered. The male was biting at the eggs & rubbing up against them a lot. Im sure I saw him eat a hatched fry, so I decided that as they were obviously ready to hatch, I removed the pot again. It seemed to be slower this time but the inner eggs (99%) slowly changed colour. I even used a dedicated fish spoon to gently circulate the water in the pot a few times.

There are maybe 10 OK looking eggs left but I hold no hope for them. This is really confusing, when I was new to Clowns I was able to get hundreds to hatch & dozens of fry survive a couple of weeks every spawn. Now I have had them about a year & have read a lot on them, I am having this happen. Has anyone got any idea whats going on ?

I am hesitant to continue letting them hatch in the adult tank as it is shared by 2 other fish (does not worry the adults, even spawned the day after the new ones were introduced) however the potential losses are looking like they will be less that way. Im also worried about just not finding them amongst the rock. I do shut off the filter at night once the eyes go silver.

Does anyone think I should try moving the pot & male next time, though I am sure whatever is killing them will strike again even with him there.

Can anyone think of a way I may be able to isolate the male & pot in some form of 'cage' in the adult tank so they wont be moved, & I wont lose any to other fish or not finding them ?

Can anyone think of anything that might help or explain this??

One last thing, I read on a freshwater site that infusoria can be cultured in a small container with tank water & old lettuce. Does anyone know if this also works for salt water ?

I greatly appreciate any help you can give me, please email [email protected] Thanks,
