clown tang

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Future Sen
Jun 23, 2007
Bellingham, WA
any idea on what I should feed him? He hasn't been biting anything, yet... so far I've tried flakes and a bit of lettuce... He's active, but I just haven't seen him go for any food.
I'm assuming you're talking about A. lineatus. They are herbivores and should be fed marine algae and foods containing spriulina. The foods should be frozen or fresh (no pellets or flake). Hopefully the fish is in your quarantine tank so you can train it on eating prepared foods. Once in the display, the fish, seeing LR and other 'natural' surroundings may ignore prepared foods and slowly starve to death.

Also, offer the algae differently. Tie (rubber band) some to a fake rock or dead lump of coral and sink it where it sleeps or hangs around. Put some on a clip on the inside, midway from top, even try floating some. Accommodate the fish through different presentations. These are things you should read so you can get the details:

Fish Health Through Proper Nutrition
Food Presentation

Check out other stickies in this forum along with the post that has links to other threads, articles, and posts: Table of Contents and Link List

Good luck!
when i get a new tang, i put my seaweed on a clip and watch to see if they go for it..if not, i get the seaweed soggy and crumple it up underwater.. it will send pieces of it all through the water column.. they normally go for it after i do it once or twice....i have also put the seaweed clip right next to where the tang hangs out in the tank, even if it is at the bottom.. they normally pick a hiding spot when they are new and stay around there.. if the seaweed is floating right around where it hangs out, they will nip at after a while.