Clowns turning black, why?

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12g ZEOvit reefer
Apr 7, 2004
London, UK.
A friend of mine's clowns have gone from orange to black. Any ideas? See images below please.Thanks.


Hiya Curvball.

A lot of clowns become melanistic when associated/hosting with or in certain anemones. This is what is going on with your clown.

Pigments within the skin that help protect it from the anemone's sting.
Normal change for a clown to get darker.

- Elmo :)
fishermann said:
I love black clowns, wish mine would.

There are "black varieties" of clowns. However, melanistic developments of a clown doesn't render it a "black variety". This just means its symbiont is a certain type of anemone.

- Elmo
Its not harmful to the fish outwardly, but you may want to consider what the clowns are hosted by.

Terry B
i have 3 clowns and they are also turning black, however i dont have any anemones. what else could cause this?

ive had 2 for about 2years and i just got the 3rd about a month ago from a friend, they shut down her tank.

they were all orange up until last week.
the black ocellaris when they are small they are orange/brown, when they grow older they will turn in to black.
So Elmo, are you saying that this can happen to false perc too? I thought that was the only diff between false and true.... while true are turning black.