too "edgy" for this place
can I have a 3" blue hippo tang with a 3" powder brown tang?
can I have a 3" blue hippo tang with a 3" powder brown tang?
If I were you.. I would get only one of each.
Hell... Just get a brown powder Tang and a Blue powder tang.
Nice start with your system.
I don't think you have to worry about what you may or may not 'get away with' since the 75g aquarium is not suitable for any tang over 2". Tangs require length of tank and that length begins at 6 feet. The 125 can house two Acanthurus sp. tangs pretty well. The 180 can house up to 4 of this group, 5 would be pushing it until they get too large for this display then one or two would have to go.
Acquire tangs based upon their adult size and needs for swimming length and you won't have to worry about 'getting away' with anything.
I understand that the fish could outgrow my tank