Condolences to Curtswearing

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
With Curt's permission, I just wanted to let you all know that his mom passed away yesterday morning.

Curt, you and your family are in my prayers and thoughts. Deepest sympathies to you. I'm very sorry for your loss. May time help heal your heart.

Sorry to hear Curt :doubt: Hope you are doing well. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and when we get fully moved (Friday supposedly), I'll give you a call. Take it easy man.
May God bless you & family Curt. Hope your doing well.:( Sorry we couldn't be there for you but our prayers are!
Curt I am so sorry about your loss. I certainly can feel your pain. Know that I am thinking about you in this difficult time. Know that your friends here at Reef Frontiers care for you.

Curt, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. You're in my thoughts and prayers in this difficult time. Let me know if their is anything I can do to help you out in anyway.

Curt, hope your family is holding up well. If you are anything at all like her, I bet she was a wonderful woman and a great mom. Best to you and yours pal.
Curt, As we talked about your mom is in a much better place now and is not suffering... that being said I know it still hurts to lose a parent if you need anything let me know...
The last year has not been fun. However, I've had good friends who've been willing to walk this path with me and hold my hand through it. I've had other friends who have helped me in ways that they probably don't even understand. Sometimes you just need a kind word or a laugh. They are more valuable than you might understand. Thanks to everyone.
THX Gaby and Charlie. It means a lot.

God has a twisted sense of humor. I finally got some decent sleep last night. When I awoke, I found Tyson laying on his back with all 4 feet straight up in the air (i.e. his "arms" weren't bent at his "elbows") with his eyes open. I was about to go into panic mode and then I heard him snore.

Stupid dog.
Hey Curt...Finally settled and just tried calling you, but didn't get an answer. I tried the cell number I had for you as well and I got some lady's voice mail. I'll try you again tomorrow. Hope you are hanging in there.
Thanks pretty much stinks for me. With that said, my mom is no longer in pain and that means a lot to me.

Yeah, when somebody who is suffering finally passes, it's kind of a relief in a way, even though it hurts so much...I wish you and your family all the best through this...