Cool idea?

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Active member
Jan 12, 2005
Jupiter, Fl
Has anyone done any work with one of those 12v thermo electric coolers. I have one on the boat and it keeps things really cool for hours running at 12v and it has a power adaptor. I was thinking along the lines of plumbing a small one in line ?

Any thoughts ?
divebud said:
Has anyone done any work with one of those 12v thermo electric coolers. I have one on the boat and it keeps things really cool for hours running at 12v and it has a power adaptor. I was thinking along the lines of plumbing a small one in line ?

Any thoughts ?
Hello Divebud,
I have considered doing this. I was thinking of putting a digital thermometer into it. I thermometer that has two readings one inside and other with remote reader. I thought if I did that I could control the temp or preset it. If you do this please let me know how it works out. I thought if you put water inside it to test it prior to use. Again, I believe it will work, but have not tried it..
Good luck,
Ed :)
I'd be interested in hearing what you come up with on this as well. My biggest concern would be the type of tubing used. I may be silly, but I'm thinkin copper anywhere, would be a bad thang.
All I need is a small drop in temp. I have used the cooler extensivly on the boat. It will drop the temp about 40 deg with a very low draw at 12v. For the tank I just need a small drop about 5-10 degrees. I have not looked at the smaller units, but the plan is either direct plumb it in line as a cooling tank or run some coiled plastic tubing inside. The tubing will definatly insulate the water a greatly reduce the cooling effect. In line the water will flow thru quickly so there cooling effect will not be that great either. I could also possiably run it off a small power head for reduced flow.

Who knows, it's just an idea in the planning stage. I will post any updates.
Do you happen to have a link, to the type of 12v thermo electric coolers you're thinking about using? Who knows, more people putting their heads together may come up with ideas and concerns quicker.
I don't really have one in mind yet, just kicking around some ideas. I have seen small ones at the mart stores pretty cheap. I will probably pick one up for some testing.
Speaking from experience as an HVAC-R tech. The cooling system in the cooler and the cool work iceprobe are called absorbtion chillers. Very efficient way of chilling and maintaining a stand a lone heat source. but inefficient way of cooling a continues heat source like an aquarium I wont get carried away in explaining why trust me the math doesn't work. I have made several chillers from old refrigerators but this is in practical if you don't have the tools. But here is a cost effective simple project. I recently picked up a portable bottle water cooler from Home Depot. Sunbeam model 0147/0148.Price was $98.00 Canadian This unit has a conventional cooling system, compressor, evaporator and condenser. The heat exchanger is stainless steel. I haven't finished this project but looking at the heat exchanger it should be easy to plumb in for continuos flow. At a flow rate of around 40 to 50 gal hr it should cool a td of around 10.f for a tank around 120g

If you have some plans, drawings, or pictures of that conversion... I'm sure MANY of us would be very interested!!!!