copperband in a reef?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
vancouver wa
I want to know from experience how the copperband butterfly does in a mixed reef? I have lots of zoas, a few mushrooms, lps such as open brains, hammers and frogspawn. and several acro's.
I want to add this fish to my reef but fear how destructive it may be.
right now I have him in my 100 gallon FOWLR I have added a couple zoa and mushroom rocks, some leathers and xenia. To my surprise the butterfly has not touched any of them.. they have been in there for a coulpe weeks too.

any ways just let me know from your experience how these fish do in a reef...

i will tell you up front that i have no experience with these fish, but i have read that if they are underfed, they might feed on certain corals!!!
you could see what it really likes to eat(other than coral), that way if it does eat your coral it could be trapped by using that food.
I never see him eat when I feed, he just eats all day long off the live rock. so it may be hard to catch him if things dont turn out...

Any clams? My CBB turned into a big time clam muncher:badgrin: Had to send my last one over to Tom to rescue it. Keep an eye on it, mine was a model citizen for over 6mo. then all of a sudden decided the clam looked yummy:mad:
Copper bands are reef safe,and i had one in my reef tank, If you can get one to live long it can be a grate fish. I never had a problem with it eating coral just small dusters.
I would be very worried about him eating my clams, how fast can a small 2'' copperband kill a clam? I just would like to know if he did start eating them how long I would have to get him out of there...

Mine was about 5" so he was a bit older. One of the foods that they eat is clams though. Every case is different just like every tank is different. I was warned that it could happen, but it wasn't doing it at the LFS that had him for quite some time before me and like I said he was great until one day bam! I had to get the clam out right away since the CBB and the PBT were taking turns munching.
Yeah But that depends on the fish to because i had a purple tang kill my three
year old corcea clam. Never the less your copper band will keep those aptasia under control.
I don't buy the apstasia control part because that was the main reason i got one and all he did was eat my small dusters. He hangs out by three apstasias and doesn't even go near them. I would say to not get it Matt. They are a neat fish but its not worth it IMO.
Over the last 35 years I've had about 38 Copperband Butterflyfish. Love 'em. :D

One of their favorite foods is clam on the half-shell. Most will enjoy some common inverts now and then. Their feeding habits are dependent upon how well you're meeting their nutritional needs. Mother Nature has put a 'chip' into their brains that says "EAT" when they are not getting their proper nutrition. So, you'll see some variations in their behavior in reef tanks.

Check out these posts:
and part 2

The best thing this fish can have is to be quarantined before putting into the display tank and to get it eating what it should be eating, and satisfying its nutritional demands while in the QT. Released into the display tank without the QT stopover, it will revert to its natural 'scouting and picking' at LR and may refuse other foods, thus slowly starving to death (after eating whatever it can from your reef livestock). :(
