coral beauty

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Mar 30, 2005
Have a coral beauty in the Q-tank sinc MARCH 7. Palnning to move him/her to the 100g display where there are a yellow tang; a hippo tang & 3 tiny fishes. Corals are: green star polyp and a striped mushroom. Some say the beauty is OK but some say it would pick on the corals. If it is definitely NOT safe I will put him to a 50g where there is a lonely purple tang. But I'm worried that the purple would not welcome him. Looking for your experts advices before anything gos wrong please.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! I've know a few people that were able to keep their Coral Beauties with corals and not have a problem (in fact I just spoke with someone yesterday about their fish not being a problem with her corals). I have also read about others having a problem. Sometimes they are problematic and sometimes they are fine. Its hard to say until the fish is in the reef environment. Do you think you'll have difficulty catching it once it is in the reeftank if the fish is problematic?
I agree w/Nikki on this one...its a 50..50 chance. I got a Coral Beauty w/almost the same fish as you in a 80 gallon softie tank,and he was in my 27 for a while too w/no problems(except he liked my clams)hence the move to the 80. Its hard to say if he will be problematic, IMO I would try it out and see what happens. But then again I dont mind tearing apart tanks to catch a fish.:D
ive had a coral beuty in my reef for at least 6 months now and he is one of the good ones so far. I have never seen him pick at anything other than his food. I believe if you feed them good they will leave the other stuff alone. while he is in qt find out what he likes and go from there. hope this helps
I had a CB in my 46g tank with all types of corals and had no trouble. It was in there for a year. I did notice that when I added a monti, the CB picked at the slime coat, but once that was gone, it never touched the coral again. I did not have any clams in the tank. I think its a 50/50 chance. Why not try to add some corals to the QT and see if it picks at them in there first...they can be tough to catch in any size tank. ;)
if you have soft coral's like mushrooms,buttonsand star polyps ,i doubt you will have any problem.good luck . jakleen
I'm glad I read this. I am looking for a new fish in the next few months and from what I had heard from other local people all had no problems with the CB angel. They however did not have clams which I do, which it sounds like may be more hit or miss with them. So I will stay away from the CB angel despite is alluring coloration.
If the CB is getting enough food to feed on, would they leave the corals alone ? Just asking because I was thinking if this was the case, they will. Correct ?
I have had my CB in my tank for almost 3 years with xenia, zoos, gsp, shrooms, kenya tree, frogspawn, hammer and he has been a model fish. he is a solitary fish but is not aggressive to any other of his tank mates and seems content with a life of swimming in and out of the rockwork.