Covered or uncover?

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2005
elk grove, ca
I hav e a 46 gallon bowed front reef tank. I use coralife 96w actenic and a 175w 10,000k metal halide light about 10" above the tank. I have been using a glass cover on the tank. Is it better to keep it covered or leave the cover off?
leave the cover off

I'm with Charlie on this one.:) I don't have a cover although I do keep a screen to keep the Jumpers in:D

charlie said:
I'd leave the cover off. It will help with temps and air exchange.
I ditto everyone above if temperature is an issue. I dropped my temp almost 5degrees removing my glass lids. The only thing is you will more than likely have to top off a little more frequently due to the evaporation...Best of luck:)
Thanks all and Merry Christmas. I figured I would have a little more evaporation. But on the positive one less surface to clean.
mmkeeper said:
I hav e a 46 gallon bowed front reef tank. I use coralife 96w actenic and a 175w 10,000k metal halide light about 10" above the tank. I have been using a glass cover on the tank. Is it better to keep it covered or leave the cover off?
I have eggcrating on top of my tank, but at night I always put the glass lid back on. Usually comes off when I turn the lights on.

charlie said:
Why????? The tank needs air exchange at nite too!
Charlie, I am not sure why. It intially started because I did not want my cats going fishing for a midnight snack and now it is just habit I guess.

I believe that it all depends too on your setup. i have a large sump, overflows, skimmer etc that all provides gas exchange.I think leaving the glass on top will also deflect some of the light to your animals. Another consideration this time of year is temperature. during the day my heaters have no problem keeping up with temp. during the night my temp could actually drop 5 degrees. putting the tops on at night could be a good idea.